From the Office

News From the Principal
Curriculum Day
A reminder that there is no school for students on Wednesday November 29th. The teachers will be attending a Mathematics Curriculum Professional Learning Day in Bendigo.
Terry Floyd Foundation
A huge thank you to the wonderful team at the Terry Floyd Foundation for their generous donation of equipment for our (soon to be reconstructed) sandpit area. This foundation
has been a great supporter of our school over past years via the donation of books, funds for events and equipment. The aim of this foundation is to increase an awareness of child safety but also to make the lives of children better. We can not wait to put our new equipment to use. For more information about the Terry Floyd Foundation see
Working Bee
Please consider joining us on Saturday December 9th for a working bee. Our main aim is
to remove the remaining old structures in the playground, to prepare for Stage 2 of our new playground. We would also like to relocate our sandpit area as well as do dome general tidying up before the summer break.
10am is is start time and we will have a sausage sizzle lunch for all those in attendance. Children are most welcome but please be mindful that their supervision remains the responsibility of their parents (we will have some machinery operating at the playground area).
Melbourne Cup Day
Last week (whilst most of Victoria enjoyed a public holiday) we hosted our annual Melbourne Cup Day Extravaganza. Students were encouraged to dress up and bring along a shared lunch. Thank you to those families who supported this day and a big thank you to our wonderful students who fully immersed themselves in the day.
Our students had a great day participating in a range of learning activities based around the theme of Melbourne Cup Day. It was lovely to be visited by some of our past students who joined in on the fun.
Year 5/6 Cluster Camp
The Year 5/6 students and Miss Duffy will away in Canberra with our five other small school counterparts from Monday November 20th to Friday November 24th. We will visit Parliament House, The Australian Institute of Sport, the CSRIO, Australian War Memorial, National Electorate Centre, Royal Australian Mint, Questacon, Geoscience Australia, the National Gallery and the National Museum of Australia. There will also be trips to Mt Ainsley, a drive to look at the Embassies, Reconciliation Place, with time for a round of mini-golf. What a week of adventure! Our students are very lucky to be attending this excursion and I am sure will be talking about their experiences for years to come. A reminder that students need to arrive at Elmore Primary School on Monday morning between 6.30 ad 6.40am- so we can load the coach and be on the road by 7am. Students will need their morning snacks, lunch and drinks for that day (packed in a backpack and not with their luggage and don't forget a bucket style sun). Full school uniform is to be packed for Wednesday when we visit Parliament House. Any questions, please message Lisa.
Local Excursion
A reminder to families with students in Years P-3 that we have an excursion planned for Friday November 24th. Students will visit the Golden Dragon Museum and Gardens. Please provide permission via the uEducateus Ap. Mr Collins will send home lunch order forms with students so they can enjoy a KFC lunch should they wish to. Other than lunch, there is no cost to this excursion.
Graduation- Monday December 18th
Invitations have been sent out for our Year 6 Graduation evening. If you did not receive yours (because sometimes our little carrier pigeons are a bit slack at handing over paperwork), please let us know. This year we are inviting each school family and not just those who are graduating. Please return the RSVP slips and forward payment as soon as you can.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact myself or Bree.
School Council News
Our final meeting for the year will be on Monday December 11th at 5pm. Packs will be sent home to members the week prior to the meeting.
Safe Storage of Food
As the weather is now warming up, it is important for us to all be mindful of ensuring that
any perishable food bought to school is kept cool/cold. We have a fridge in the foyer of the original school building that students are able to use to put any of their food in. Whilst many families do pack ice-bricks to keep things cool, these are often only effective until recess time, meaning that ham and cheese sandwich can be toasting itself out in a schoolbag on a warm Spring or Summers Day. Please let your child/ren know if there is anything in their lunchbox that might benefit from refrigeration and they can put it in the fridge when they arrive. We will remind and encourage them to do this also, but often we don't see what is in their bags until recess.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy