Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


International Teachers’ Day

Last Friday the staff and students celebrated International Teachers’ Day. There were many wonderful messages passed on to our teachers which were really appreciated. The teachers at OGPS do an amazing job and it was great to see this acknowledged by the students and many parents. 


2024 Foundation Transition 6th November 

We have our first Kinder transition session next Monday, 6th November. This is a very exciting time for our 2024 Foundation class. A big thank you to the Foundation team for organising the transition program. We are really looking forward to welcoming our new 2024 Foundation students.


2024 Classes

If you plan on moving over the holidays and leaving Ocean Grove Primary School could you please let us know as soon as possible as we will be preparing our 2024 classes in the coming weeks. 


Year 6 Lawn Bowls

The Year 6 students have enjoyed their lawn bowls sessions at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club. It is wonderful or our students to be introduced to a new sport and to let them know that all age groups can enjoy this activity. 


Parent Payment Arrangements and Booklists 2024

After listening to feedback from families and consultation with staff OGPS will be changing the way we do the booklists for 2024.  Classroom stationery supplies for students will be ordered in bulk and delivered straight to the classroom ready for the commencement of the new school year.  This will mean you no longer have to order, name and bring packs into school on the first day. 

This will also enhance our sustainability practices with the reduction of waste and postage.  Any surplus supplies at the end of 2024 will reduce the amount we need to order for the following year.

Detailed information have been emailed to you this week regarding the student stationery supplies and the voluntary financial contributions. 

(Please click this link to access the 2024 Parent Payment Arrangement Information)

The student stationery contribution and other voluntary contributions will be placed on Sentral at the beginning of 2024.  You can choose to either pay the full amount, part pay or pay by instalments.  If you are part paying inform the office so we can adjust your contributions on Sentral. Please contact the office if you would like further information.


Year 6 Graduation Tickets

The end of year is fast approaching and one of the main events is the Year 6 Graduation. Tickets are now on sale on the flexi schools app. 


Year 2 Day Camp next Monday

The Year 2 students are looking forward to their day camp next Monday at Camp Wyuna. This is a fun filled day where the students enjoy a wide variety of activities. 


Rotary Junior Community Award

Last night three of our Year 6 students Ollie, Quinn and Alana presented their Rotary Junior Community projects to a packed room of Rotarians and parents. They all presented with confidence and their presentations were excellent. They represented our school brilliantly and they should be very proud of themselves. A big thank you to their parents and the Year 6 teachers who assisted the students with their projects. Also thank you to Tony from the Ocean Grove Rotary Club for his assistance and excellent coordination of the program. Well done once again to Ollie, Quinn and Alana. It was a pleasure hearing about your projects. You are all superstars!


Bravehearts and Life Ed Van - Health and Wellbeing F – Yr 2

Bravehearts are a health and wellbeing team who will be visiting the F to Yr 2 classes over the coming weeks to talk to students about their health and wellbeing. We are looking forward to their visit. The Life Education van is also visiting the F – Yr3 classes over the coming weeks. 


Take care. 
