Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 18 - Friday 20 October
Year 9 My Duke of Ed Adventurous Journey
Friday 20 October
Special 'Carers Day' Breakfast Club, from 8.15am
Monday 23 October
Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day
Wednesday 25 October
Year 9 MyBasketball Wheelchair incursion, period 2
Year 9 MyCity Ice Skating excursion
Friday 27 October
Environmental Club - Lead to Sustain excursion
Volleyball Tryouts for 2024 team, lunch time at the Stadium
Tuesday 31 October - Wednesday 1 November
Year 9 MySailing camp
Tuesday 31 October
Rock Showcase evening concert, details to be announced shortly
Wednesday 1 November
MyCity Melbourne Zoo excursion
Monday 6 November
Curriculum Day - pupil-free day
Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 8 November
MyFitness Bounce excursion
Thursday 9 November
Sports Awards Presentation Night, 4.30pm
Friday 10 November
Remembrance Day ceremony at DSC
Wednesday 15 November
Professional Development Day - pupil-free day
Wednesday 29 November - Friday 1 December
It's confirmed! Year 9 Wilson's Prom Camp
Friday 15 December
Middle School graduation, 1-2pm, Performance Centre
(Families are welcome and will receive their invite shortly.)
Wednesday 20 December
Last day of Term 4
Year 9 students - we need your help!
The Year 9 Graduation ceremony will be on Friday 15 December and our Middle School coordinators are seeking student volunteers for the following tasks:
- Create photo slideshows
- Ushering
- Technical assistance
- Class announcements
- Organise group activities for period 4 that day (ie. a soccer tournament, talent quest, ice breakers, karaoke, etc)
Please see Ms Katiforis if you are interested.
MYSELF Parent Volunteers
Our MYSELF teachers are looking for parent/carer volunteers to assist with excursions. If you have any availability on Wednesdays between 10.15am and 3.15pm, please reach out to your child's MYSELF teacher as soon as possible. We thank you for any assistance you can provide.