Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 18 October
Year 7 2024 Exploration Afternoon, 3.45pm - 4.30pm
Friday 20 October
Special 'Carers Day' Breakfast Club, from 8.15am
Year 8 Girls Basketball Regional Finals
Monday 23 October
Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day
Wednesday 25 October
'A Day for Daniel'
Friday 27 October
Environmental Club - Lead to Sustain excursion
Volleyball Tryouts for 2024 team, lunch time at the Stadium
Tuesday 31 October
Rock Showcase evening concert, details to be announced shortly
Monday 6 November
Curriculum Day - pupil-free day
Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Thursday 9 November
Sports Awards Presentation Night, 4.30pm
Friday 10 November
Remembrance Day ceremony at DSC
Tuesday 14 November
Year 7 2024 Pre-Orientation Day, 9am - 12.15pm
Year 7 2024 Learning Partnership webinar, 7.30pm
Wednesday 15 November
Professional Development Day - pupil-free day
Wednesday 22 November
Year 7 2024 Open Afternoon & Music Tryouts, 4pm
Wednesday 6 December
Junior School Presentations, 6pm
** Award nominees will be notified shortly. Families of nominees will be invited to attend
Wednesday 20 December
Last day of Term 4
A Day for Daniel Program
Wednesday 25 October
Year 7 students will be participating in a ‘Day for Daniel’. https://danielmorcombe.com.au/. The aim of A Day for Daniel is to educate young people about how to stay safe in physical and online environments. Key objectives will be:
- Understand the term safe.
- Recognise the difference between safe and unsafe behaviours.
- Understand the qualities of a safe and healthy relationship.
- Compare and contrast in-person bullying and cyberbullying.
- Develop strategies for dealing with cyberbullying.
- Identify rights and responsibilities when online.
- Understand how online behaviours and actions can have possible legal consequences.
Please contact Drew.Hanna@education.vic.gov.au if you have any questions about this program.
College Expectations Reminder
Recently on Compass Newsfeed, Assistant Principal Belinda McGee posted a reminder about the Student Code of Conduct (see below). I want to bring to the attention of students, parents and carers that we have seen a small number of circumstances recently where students are bringing trainer butterfly knives to school with the intent to show their skills to their friends.
Please be aware that the school considers these items to be dangerous in nature, like the knives and laser lights mentioned in the planner.
Students shall not bring any object to school that could cause offence or harm to any student as this could result in suspension.
Student Code of Conduct:
Our College objective is to create and maintain a safe, supportive and inclusive environment where students are empowered to learn through high expectations and opportunities for growth. When considering behaviour, students are to be guided by our core values of respect, responsibility, resilience, and teamwork. As such, the attached College Rules are to be followed.
Note: “At College” includes within College buildings and grounds, travelling to and from the College and while engaged in any official College activity.
We set College expectations to ensure effective operations, and that all members of our school community are safe and respected.
Drew Hanna
Year 7 Positive Climate and Community Engagement Leader
5R in the Classroom
To enhance the learning of all students, staff are committing to improving practices that minimise disruptive behaviour. We do this with the 5R Classroom Management tool: Remind, Refocus, Relocate, Remove and Restore.
On rare occasions, students will be removed from the classroom when a reminder, refocus and relocation have not resulted in appropriate on-task behaviour.
When one removal occurs in a term, students are expected to attend a 20-minute After-School Learning Catch-up/Detention session as a consequence of their removal.
When a second removal occurs in a term, students are expected to attend a 40-minute After-school Learning Catch-up/Detention session as a consequence of their removal. Parents/Carers will also be asked to participate in a meeting to discuss support and interventions that students, parents/carers and staff can implement.
If a third removal occurs in a term, students will be suspended in order to have a comprehensive opportunity for them to reflect on their behaviour and ensure they can follow school boundaries and expectations.
We are lucky that most students at DSC will be able to improve their learning behaviours after being reminded of the expectations in class. We ask that Parents/Carers have a conversation with their child about this process to enhance the learning partnership with the school.