Principal's Message

Swimming Success
Our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have had a busy week with their daily visits to the pool as a part of our annual swimming program. Our students have quite a diverse range of abilities in the pool and the teachers at the Yarra Centre have done a great job catering for each individual student. A big thank you to our parents for supporting our Swimming Program. We had 98% participation, which will assist our students greatly come the summer period.
Fishing Rods for Year 5’s
Victorians love fish and fishing. Recreational fishing offers terrific opportunities for people of all ages, skills, abilities and backgrounds to enjoy a fun and healthy activity and build social connections. Our aboriginal heritage is also deeply linked to fishing, with thousands of years of indigenous fishing history in Victoria.
The Victorian Government is committed to increasing the number and diversity of people fishing and enjoying Victoria’s local seafood, growing healthy and sustainable fisheries sectors and contributing to Victoria’s social and economic prosperity. Every Victorian should have the opportunity to fish.
The Victorian Government is keen to get more children outside and active, connecting with nature and enjoying time in the great outdoors. Fishing is a great way to do that, which is why the State Government is investing $96m to improve fishing, boating, piers and aquaculture.
Little Angler Kits are the perfect way for primary school aged children to try fishing. They include a rod, reel with line, tackle tray, some tackle and information on how to use them all. The kits are being offered to Grade 5 students for FREE through primary schools and will be sent home this week with students who wish to receive one.
Grade 5 students have been selected based on the Victorian Curriculum focus, movement and motor development, and safety considerations.
Launch Lizards
This week we become proud owners of a couple of blue tongue lizards that were donated to us. They are very cute and quite friendly. Drop past the office if you would like to say hello and check them out. We will be running a naming competition shortly.
Donations of Black potting pots – for cuttings
In the coming weeks a new program funding by YR Council will be starting with our Year 3/4s called ‘Plant a Seed’. The program aims to regenerate Jadodade Park, whilst also building our students’ skills in purposefully connecting with nature. If you have any black pots at home suitable for growing plants from cuttings we would appreciate the donation. We require about 200 pots.
Class Placement Requests
Last newsletter I asked parent who had specific peer requests for their child for classes for 2024 to send me an email. Just a reminder to do so if you feel it necessary as soon as practical to
2024 Recruitment
We continue to make pleasing progress with our recruitment processes for 2024, by the time our next newsletter is published I will be able to share some further information with you all regarding our staffing for the year ahead.
New Laptops times 40 for our 5/6 students
We received our new student laptops last week for our Year 5/6 students to use, allowing us to update our fleet and move on some of our older models. This newest batch have voice to text capabilities, a stylus and flippy lid so they can also be used as a kind of tablet. Very fancy indeed. We are also planning to update the TVs in our classrooms in preparation for 2024, positioning them better in each classroom for easy viewing and getting larger models. Stay tuned!
Halloween Celebrations
I feel like I’ve possibly mentioned this before, might have been following the Easter Hat Parade, but goodness Launch knows how to put on a dress up day! The outfits were amazing. Terrifying some of them, but amazing. A big thank you to parents for all the effort you went to. Thanks also to our amazing Parents and Friends group for the awesome milkshakes/drinks and lolly bags that they organised. Our students had a blast and the effort that was went to was so lovely to see. We are a lucky bunch.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy