Remembrance Day

Thursday 9th November, we gathered to reflect on the profound impact of war and conflict, and the sacrifices made by our veterans. We remember the countless soldiers who fought, and the families who supported them, and the lives forever changed by the ravages of war.


As Remembrance day, fell on a weekend our learning community wanted to share a special space of reflection together. Our young people made special poppies as not only a commemorative symbol reminding us of lives sacrificed but also, of our hope-filled future. Their voices joined in unity to sing the beautiful ‘Australian Blessing’ by Andrew Chin, and to share their wonderings in response to the story of Anzac Ted. We are very grateful to George Hope who ensured that we all could follow along with the slideshow. We were guided in our prayers of intercession by: Baxter, Jack C, Brianna and Khloe, and The Ode to the Fallen was beautifully read by Ellie. Logan Lockyer helped us understand the meaning of the Last Post and the Rouse, leading us in a minute of silence as we reflected deeply on this moment of remembrance. 


“They went with songs to the battle 

They were young, straight of limb, 

True of eye, steady and aglow, 

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, 

They fell with their faces to the foe. 

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old, 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, 

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, 

We will remember them. 

(Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)