Principal's Panorama

Zoe Nugent 

I am sure you are all relieved that we actually got to go swimming today!!  I have been reliably informed by Axel that this is due to Kindergarten's daily prayers asking for the weather to hold out..Looks like God was listening!  

I have also been told that Kayden had invented a sun dance... May the combined commitment highlighted the need for our young people to have another day to demonstrate their skills!

I am eager to see everyone at our Creative Arts Performance Evening next week, our young people have been practicing their singing, dancing and acting and, albeit nervous, a very excited to show their talents to our wider school community.


I must thank Guyra Central School for the use of their gymnasium for our practices and our performances and thank you to Mrs Nikki Robinson, who will be our onsight lock up at the end of the evening.  

Please refer to our general information session regarding practice times etc for the following week.  


School Advisory Council

Thank you to all of the individuals who demonstrate their commitment to our school community by representing our school and wider community on the School Advisory Council. 

Additional thanks must go to Catherine Ible, Parent Engagement Officer for conducting a familiarisation session for existing and interested School Advisory Council members.  This session gave all those present, a clear understanding of the mission/objectives, members terms and the role of School Advisory Councils in the Armidale Diocese.


As the Diocese of Armidale School Advisory Constitution states; 

Only ex-officio members (Parish Priest and Principal) may remain as members of the School Advisory Council for more than six consecutive years.  Membership to the School Advisory Council is for a term of two years and members may be appointed for a maximum of three consecutive terms. But may not hold the same position of Chair or Secretary beyond two consecutive terms.  


In light of her many years of very active service,  Mrs Theresa Grills tendered her resignation from the School Advisory Council at the recent AGM. I would like to thank her for her long service and commend her ongoing contribution to our wonderful school.  Big shoes to fill!



One Talk at a Time

National Office for Child Safety recently launched ‘One Talk at a Time’, a national awareness raising and behavioural change campaign on child sexual abuse. 


'One Talk at a Time' aims to protect children and young people from sexual abuse by helping adults understand that child sexual abuse is preventable and encouraging them to have ongoing, proactive, preventative conversations with children, young people and other adults in their lives. 

The link above contains a number of support resources for carers and parents to have these vital conversations with their young people and what to do in the event of a disclosure. I urge you all to look into these supports at your earliest convenience.


Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal

St Vincent de Paul is committed to making Christmas a time to renew hope. 

Vinnies continues to provide shelter, food, clothing, financial support, friendship and care for tens of thousands of people in NSW, but the need is still great and they need our help.


 Together, we can renew hope this Christmas! We can all contribute to the St Mary of the Angels Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal by donating Christmas hampers or other non-perishable food and hygiene products to the school for our wonderful Guyra Conference to collect and make into hampers and packs.

Sue Adams, of the St Vincent de Paul; Guyra Conference, will receive these donations at our whole school Mass on the 29th of November.




Blessings for a gentle week!
