Year 5-6

Term 1, Week 4


Thursday: School Photo Day: Children to wear normal school uniform (green socks, black shoes etc...) then can change into sports shoes once photos are complete.



As we embrace the season of Lent, a time of reflection, sacrifice and giving, we invite you to join us in this special initiative that aligns with the spirit of the season. This year, we are reaching out to you, our St John’s families, to get actively involved with Project Compassion!  Your children will be actively participating in Project Compassion at school to make a significant impact on the lives of those less fortunate, and this year, we would like to invite parents to jump on board too! We believe that together, as students, teachers and parents, we can help to encourage our kids and amplify their efforts.  

As Easter approaches, we encourage you to get involved by taking part in Give it up for Lent – whether you forgo your daily coffee, or indulge in a little less screen time, or give up your car during Lent and in doing so raise money for Caritas Australia. We

are sending home a family Project Compassion Box and encourage your family to talk about different things you could do for ‘Give it up for Lent.’


Thank you for your involvement.

Check out what we have been up to lately!


My Future Academy

Jimmy Ivill is back with us each Friday on even weeks. Jimmy has an excellent rapport with the students and brings a positive mindset along with students having an opportunity to practise their mindfulness, team-work and co-operation through physical activity. We look forward to Jimmy's visits throughout this year.


A beautiful sunny morning for our first My Future Academy Lesson for 2024.
A beautiful sunny morning for our first My Future Academy Lesson for 2024.



The Resilience Project

We have been focusing on developing our understanding of Emotional Literacy.


Emotional Literacy is the ability to recognise, understand, handle, and appropriately express emotions.


We have been practising gratitude too. Here is on of our GEM chats that we have used in our classroom and you may like to use at home.


Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Last week we celebrate Shrove Tuesday and the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday.


After our Shrove Tuesday Pancakes, it was amazing to count our donation money that will go towards to Caritas. As a school we raised over $600 and look forward to seeing what we can raise throughout Lent.


Seedlings Planting

Ray Thomas led our 5/6 students through our first of a number of lessons throughout 2024, teaching and informing each of them of the importance of native bushes being in our local area to support wildlife. Students planted approximately 400 seedlings over 3 hours, which will be held at the Arboretum for most of the year until they are big enough to be planted along the Sevens and Castle Creeks. 

School Uniform, Water and Hats


Just a reminder about our school uniform policy. 


  • The expectation is that ALL students have their own hat at school with their name on it. 
  • Students need to wear green socks and black shoes when we do not have PE or Bluearth. 
  • Earrings need to be studs or sleepers.
  • No nail polish or necklaces.
  • White socks and runners on PE and Bluearth days.
  • Hair that reaches the collar needs to be tied back.
  • Only water is to bought to school.

If this is unable to be achieved on a particular day, please write a note or email to your child's classroom teacher.


Weekly Timetable

Monday: Art


Wednesday: Japanese (5/6M), STEM (5/6F)

Thursday: PE (Both classes), STEM (5/6M), Japanese (5/6F).

Friday: Bluearth (Even weeks) Assembly (Odd weeks)


Each week we have specialist subjects. On Bluearth and PE days, students can wear their PE uniform.


Cake Raffle Volunteers

We would love students/parents/grandparents to be a part of our cake making team. Every assembly, we draw a raffle for a cake/slice/biscuits and children love being a part of the 

competition. If you would be interested in contributing, could you please send us an email and we can add you to a roster.


Lou, Linc, Kerry and Lisa.