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For the first two school terms of the year we will be focussing on Cybersafety and Engineering.  


This week in Cybersafety we will be looking at- 

Foundation /Year 1 and 2 

"Wanda the Echidna" who helps students use technology responsibly and understand personal information and how it can be protected.

Wanda's mantra to students is "I am responsible, I protect my personal information"

Each week students will be introduced to a new e-safety character to support their understanding in staying safe on-line.



Years 3/4 and Year 5/6

Location Settings

Through this lesson students will learn to:

Recognise and understand the relationship between the location services and settings on their device and their personal safety. 

Be able to communicate their understanding in written form. 

Be able to demonstrate the steps a young person needs to take in order to adjust their location settings to increase safety.



Have a great week!
