Principal's News
Welcome to Week 4,
School Photos
School photos will be taken this Thursday. Information about how to order was sent out via email last week. Photos are only ordered online through the company, so please follow the instructions to order your photos. All students are required to wear full school uniform. If your child has PE on this day, they will need to bring their runners to change.
Parent Emergency Contacts
Please take the time to check your contact details are up to date in SIMON.
Secondhand Uniform Shop
Our P& F are looking to establish a secondhand uniform shop at the school as a fundraiser. If you have any uniform items that you would like to donate please drop them into the front office. Thank you.
School Crossing Petition
Please take the time to fill out the School Crossing Supervisor petition that Annabelle Cleeland MP has started for us and all the primary schools in the Strathbogie Shire. Anderson St is a very busy street and it is vitally important for our students that we have a School Crossing Supervisor to help them cross the road safely. We are fortunate to have the wonderful Mark Stevens as our School Crossing Supervisor but he has not been given assurance that his job will continue, so we need to pressure the State Government to committing to funding our School Crossing for the long term. Please use the link below and share it!
Petition for funding for the Strathbogie Shire school crossing supervisors Survey (
Bluearth Night
Don't forget to put into your diaries the Family Night with Jimmy on Thurdsay March 7th. BYO refillable water bottle and food. The P&F will also be selling secondhand uniforms on the night.
Kind regards,
Libby Hamilton