Chev Need to Knows 

5 April 2024

Upholding Our Values: Addressing Concerns about Andrew Tate's Influence

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope this message finds you well as we embrace the beginning of April. 


I am writing to address a matter of concern that has recently come to my attention regarding the influence of Andrew Tate on some of our students, particularly boys in Years 9 and 10.


It has come to our notice that Andrew Tate, a controversial public figure known for his provocative statements and behaviour, has been mentioned in conversations among our students in classrooms. Some students have even chosen him as the subject of an assessment task, citing him as an inspirational figure.


For parents and carers, the primary educators of their children, as well as teachers in schools, it is our joint responsibility to ensure that your children, who are our students, are exposed to positive role models and values that reflect our College’s Vision, Mission and Ethos as aligned with MSC Spirituality of the Heart. Andrew Tate's messages reflect values which are the antithesis of ours and, in fact, promote misogyny, toxic masculinity, and other harmful attitudes. Even he has described himself as a sexist and a misogynist.


While we respect and even encourage young people to explore different perspectives, it is crucial to provide guidance and challenge behaviours that may be detrimental to their personal development and the wellbeing of our school community. Most importantly, the absolute disrespect shown to women by Andrew Tate and his followers promotes and encourages the same unacceptable disrespect to be shown to girls and women of the College as well as the mothers and sisters of Chevalier families. Quite simply, we need to push back on such messaging which represents women to be anything less than equal to men.


In light of this, we want to reassure you that Chevalier College remains committed to upholding our values of kindness, compassion and respect. Staff at the College will continue to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment where all students feel safe and valued.


We encourage parents and guardians to engage in open conversations with their children about the importance of critical thinking, empathy, and respect for others. By reinforcing these values and actions at home, we can together, in partnership and support of each other, counteract negative influences and empower our students to make positive choices.


Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to this recent 7-minute article from ABC's 7:30 program, which highlights the impact of Andrew Tate on boys in schools. We take these concerns seriously and are committed to addressing them proactively.


At Chevalier College, we believe in the power of education to shape young minds and instil values that will guide them throughout their lives. Together, we can ensure that our students grow into compassionate, responsible, and principled individuals who contribute positively to society.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in nurturing the next generation of leaders.


Yours faithfully,


Greg Miller


Winter Sports Uniform

We have allocated two uniform days at the Chev Shop, outside of normal trading hours, to allow students to purchase their winter sports uniform only.  


Winter Uniform Price List


The additional opening hours and times are below.  Please note that the shop will only be open during Break 1 and 2 on these days.  

Tuesday 9 AprilGirlsBreak 1 or 2
Wednesday 10 AprilBoysBreak 1 or 2

Please send your child with a payment card or cash on the relevant day as we will not be able to process phone orders. 


Alternatively, the shop will be open during the school holidays.  Opening hours for term time and holidays can be found here.  Students can also purchase their winter sport uniform at the same time as their winter school uniform. 

Winter Uniforms

Please visit the Chev Shop to purchase your winter school uniform in preparation for the beginning of Term 2.  Opening hours and price lists can be found here.

Year 7 Vaccinations

The 2024 vaccination program for Year 7 students will commence in Week 3 of Term 2. All Year 7 students will be offered Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (dTpa) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV).  All vaccines are administered individually by registered nurses from NSW Health and students are supervised by a staff member.  If your child is nervous about receiving vaccines, please contact Dana, our First Aid Officer, for assistance.


Parents can provide consent online for their child's routine school vaccinations. Vaccinations will only be provided at school if consent has been received. Visit the NSW Heath website and follow the prompts to complete the School Vaccination Consent form.


If your child has already received the vaccines through your healthcare practitioner, please do not register your child for school vaccinations. Only children registered through the NSW Health website will receive their vaccinations at school.


For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit NSW Health or call the Liverpool Public Health Unit on 9794 0855.

A request from our First Aid office

Thank you to those parents who have provided updates on their child's medical conditions using ParentOrbit or Parent Lounge.  When making updates, please note that in our student management system, 'severe' refers to significant or life threatening medical conditions such as anaphylaxis, diabetes or epilepsy.  Please use the comment box in the medical condition section to expand on or provide additional details, or contact Dana, our First Aid Officer.

Open Day - wet weather update for sports

Sports training and exhibition matches - cancelled

Unfortunately, our sports grounds are too wet and all sports training and exhibition games have been cancelled.  


Mountain Bike Championship - going ahead

The MTB Championship will go ahead at this stage.  If we need to cancel the event, participants and parents/carers will be contacted via email by 9.00am.  Due to the forecast heavy rain, there will not be any training or exhibition sessions at the Open Day tomorrow, Saturday 6 April. 

Cross Country Carnival – Monday 8 April

 Only students who have registered via Sports Tracker will participate.

  • Students who are participating are permitted to wear their sports uniform to school.
  • Students in Years 11 and 12 who do not have a suitably fitting sports uniform are permitted to change into house colours prior to the event and must change back into school uniform immediately after.
  • Students in Years 10 and 11 who are participating must attend school for the full day and are not permitted to arrive late/leave early to complete flipped learning at home.
  • Students in Year 12 may leave to continue flipped learning from home at the conclusion of their event.

Event Schedule and Rules

  • Students are not permitted to wear headphones during the event.
  • Students must pass through the checkpoint to receive a ‘mark’ to indicate the number of laps complete.
  • The course is a 1km loop.
  • Students who miss the checkpoint will be disqualified.
  • Students are to report to the Marshalling area on Meadows at the beginning of the Period listed below:
112 and 13 years Boys and Girls
216, 17 and 18 years Boys and Girls
314 and 15 years Boys and Girls

Event Distances

12 years Boys and Girls3km
13 years Boys and Girls3km
14 years Boys and Girls4km
15 years Boys and Girls4km
16 years Girls4km
16 years Boys6km
17 years Girls4km
17 years Boys6km
18 years Girls6km
18 years Boys6km

Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator


  • 6 April - Open Day
  • 8 April - Cross Country Carnival (by registration)
  • 10 April - Year 8 Da Vinci Decathlon
  • 11 April - Year 11 Visual Art Excursion
  • 11 April - Year 9/10 Da Vinci Decathlon
  • 12 April - Last day of Term 1
  • 30 April - First day of Term 2

Chev Need to Knows Archive

28 March 2024

22 March 2024

15 March 2024

8 March 2024

1 March 2024

23 February 2024

16 February 2024

9 February 2024

2 February 2024

29 January 2024