Chatham Happenings

The Old Melbourne Gaol
On the 28th of November, the Year 5 students went on an excursion to the Old Melbourne Gaol. We got to see the court room where we re-enacted the trial of Edward (Ned) Kelly when he was sentenced to death by hanging.
After the play, we went to the courtyard to have our snacks. We had half an hour to play around until our tour guide, Tom, showed us where some of the bodies from the prison were buried. One of the buried bodies we saw was Ned Kelly’s mum.
Next, we went in the building where all the cells were. We got to see a replica of Ned Kelly’s armour. We also luckily got to see his mask made from cement and other things.
We saw all the prison cells and we found out that all the cells got bigger as you went higher to fit more people. There were about 97 cells and each cell had 1-5 people inside. Overall, we had a great time at the Gaol and it was an amazing experience.
By Reesey, Madi and Zoe