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Last Monday 5 February we welcomed around 50 new Kindergarten students to our school. Despite a wet start to the day, everyone had a wonderful first day of school.
On Saturday 3 February, all our Kindergarten families had a wonderful time getting to know each other at a Picnic in Marriott Park. It was great to see friendships and bonds form between the students even before their first day of Kindergarten.
Several students from NCS were invited to attend a special prize giving ceremony and celebratory morning tea at the site of the new Shoalhaven hospital extension building work. Late last year, students from various grades in primary school entered the competition to name the two enormous cranes that now tower above the construction worksite near the hospital. Two winners were chosen and today each was presented with a brand new iPad and a Lego kit. Several runners-up were also presented with Lego construction kits. The competition asked students to suggest an appropriate name for one of the cranes and to give reasons why that name was appropriate. The winning entries the judges chose were 'Larry (the lifter' for one of the cranes and 'Jane (the crane)' for the other. Thanks to our dedicated parents and carers who took time out of their busy schedules to take their children to this important event. Looks like everyone had a 'constructive' time (get it?).
Congratulations to all our students and staff who entered the Pavillon Section of the Nowra Show. There were a wide range of entries in arts, crafts, floral, cooking, needlework and photography displays at the show. Many of our entries received an award, some even received a sash and medal (the ultimate prize within each section). Well done everyone!
A big thank you to Mrs Stewart for coordinating and submitting all of the entries.
The Stage 6 Food Technology class were straight into it after the holidays completing an assessment for their unit on Food Quality. The Assessment Task required them to include four functional food properties in their dish. Courtney, Darcy, Annie and Tamsin also made their own bread. As you can see from the time lapse video taken on the day it was pure madness but everyone did so well and who wouldn't want to try some of these dishes?