From the Office

Please contact the school office on 6423 1373 if you require any clarification.

School Parking


The following information will help you understand how we manage traffic flow around school drop-off and pick-up times.



Five parking bays opposite the front office are marked with yellow paint and are reserved for Visitors, Special Guests and Emergency Student pick-up.  Please do not park in these bays unless for the above reasons.  The remaining parking bays are for staff parking.


Kiss N Drop

The Kiss ‘n’ Drop Zone is a designated area for parents to come and quickly drop off or collect their children.  When using the Kiss ‘n’ Drop Zone cars should not be parked for longer than two minutes and parents should not leave their car.  If you wish to meet your children inside the school grounds, please park in the allocated spaces along the left hand side of the driveway.


Parent Parking

If you wish to get out of your car and walk your children in, you will need to park your car using the left hand side parking spaces. As these parking spaces are at a 45 degree angle, please do not reverse park.


Right hand side parking

This area (opposite the drop off zone) cannot be used for parking when collecting or dropping off students, as cars will be pulling out of the drop off zone and driving through from Lapthorne Close. These spaces are only for staff parking. This assists with our commitment that no children will be walking across the road.  


School Oval

We will continue to open the school oval for parking each morning and afternoon from 8:15am to 9:30am and 2:45pm to 3:30pm this week. Please follow the directions of staff if you utilise this area for parking.


After school pick-up

Parents are encouraged to inform their students to be collected at either one of these three times as their preferred pick-up time; 3:00-3:10pm, 3:10pm-3:20pm and 3:20pm-3:30pm. This will help to minimise the number of adults on site at any one time as well as aid the flow of traffic. See pick up zones below for the areas students can be collected from. Secondary students cannot be collected until after 3:15pm.


Pick up Zones

Students have three different areas to wait at the end of the day; Kiss N Collect, beside the school oval on Jiloa Way and in the Kinder playground if waiting for a bus.     

Volunteers and Parent Helpers Course

DCS is committed to being a child safe school for our students. Each year we hold our Volunteers and Parent Helpers Course for our class parent helpers and volunteers working with our students. Parents, family members and volunteers are required to sit the ‘Working with Our DCS Children’ session. These are held to induct our parent helpers, and any volunteers, who wish to assist in our classrooms and around our school in 2024. As a school that is committed to protecting our children and has zero tolerance to child abuse, it is mandatory that any volunteer or parent helper in our school attend this induction session. It is important a volunteer or helper attends this course every 12 months.  


The evening session for 2024 will have some similar content as in previous years (as is required), but will also introduce new concepts and information. This evening will be held in the Jiloa Centre on Monday 19th February commencing at 6:45pm. The first part of the evening will be for all 2024 parents and volunteers (both new attendees and ones who have completed the course in previous years).  The second part of the evening will be to complete the training for first time parents and volunteers (who have never completed a DCS helper course prior). 


A daytime option of this course will be run on Friday 23rd February at 9.45am.If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, the school will advertise further times for sessions later in the year.  

New Families Information Evening

We would love to have you join us for our New Families Information Evening, Tuesday 27th February.


This evening is specially designed for families who have joined the Devonport Christian School community in the past 12 months and provides information on:

  • Christian Schooling and biblical world view
  • Christian Education National – our national body with over 25,000 students in schools across Australia
  • Devonport Christian School Inc – our associated body and what membership entails

As well as further information on the structure of Devonport Christian School and Christian schooling in general.

A light supper will be provided and our coffee machine will be running with delicious hot drinks for everyone.

The evening will be held in our Jiloa Centre, commencing at 7:00pm and runs for approximately one hour. Arrive at 6:45pm if you would like a hot drink first.

We hope that you can join us to find out more about the journey into Christian Education that you and your family have embarked on.

Early Learning

At DCS we offer two fun and friendly Early Learning programmes.  Come along and connect with others over a delicious hot drink while your children play.  Please call the school office on 6423 1373 if you require further information.


Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts is a hands-on nature-based playgroup for children aged 3 and 4 years and is held every Thursday from 8:45am - 10:30am, commencing on Thursday 15th February.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email Lauren at


Jiloa Juniors

Jiloa Juniors is held every Friday from 8:45am - 10:45am, commencing on Friday 16th February, and is for children from birth to 5 years with their carers.


We hope you can join us!