What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

This week we celebrate that all DCS Primary students have now had the opportunity to be together with their whole class. Last week our Kinder and Prep students had their first days as small classes with a staggered start. It has been a joy watching each student commence the year.



Walking through the classrooms, playground and Primary assemblies there is a sense of calmness and excitement for the year to come. In the Principal Ponderings Jiloa article last week, Mr Smit shared that the theme of the year is "Unshakeable". This theme will guide us as a school as we work together as a community. During the Monday Assemblies we will link the "Unshakeable" theme with the Character First program.

Character First: Responsibility

Throughout the year, DCS Primary will continue to follow the Character First program. To commence the year, we will explore the character trait of Responsibility. Character First defines Responsibility as "taking ownership of my thoughts, words, and actions."


To help our students embody Responsibility, we'll introduce them to the "five I will statements," which are practical commitments each student can make to develop this character trait:

  • I will know what’s expected.
  • I will keep my commitments.
  • I will do my best.
  • I will not make excuses.
  • I will correct my mistakes.

Celebrating the start of 2024

Throughout the year we will be asking students to share highlights and thoughts on activities that have taken place in the life of DCS. This week we have asked students to share their highlights from the start of 2024.


What have you enjoyed most about your new class so far?

  • Owen A - Kinder Heagney - "The different games I get to play"
  • Harrison R - Prep McCulloch - "Lego"
  • Emmy S - 1/2 Dance - "Making new friends"
  • Phoebe A - 3/4 Alexander - "Not being the youngest"
  • Banjo C - 5/6 Overton - "The people in it"

What are you looking forward to this year?

  • Franklin S - Kinder Heagney - "Playing in the ice-cream shop"
  • Alexander W - Prep Bellchambers - "Having a buddy class"
  • Abbygail C - 1/2 Walker - "Activities in class"
  • Seb C - 3/4 De Wilzem - "PE"
  • Safwana R - 5/6 Overton - "Learning new things"

What is your favourite subject in the classroom and why?

  • Rafael S - Kinder Heagney - "Maths because I like counting numbers"
  • Chloe E - Prep McCulloch - "Maths because it includes numbers"
  • Ayla F - 1/2 Dance - "Writing because I get to learn lots"
  • Will H - 3/4 De Wilzem - "Science because I love it"
  • Tom U - 5/6 Cruse - "STEM because it involves technology and science"

Prep Rest Days

To assist our Prep students make the transition from part-time to full-time schooling, Prep students will not attend on the following days: 

Wednesday 21st February

Wednesday 6th March

Wednesday 13th March


Prep students will commence full-time from Monday 18th March 2024.


Prep students will attend on Wednesday 28th February for our Athletics Carnival.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any queries.

Prep Learning Interviews

A friendly reminder that Prep students will be attending their half-hour 'Learning Interview' with their teachers on either Wednesday 14th February or Wednesday 21st February.


Please refer to the email sent out in December for your child's appointment time, or contact the school office if you need clarification.

Upcoming Events

Fri 16th Feb8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 19th Feb8.30amPrimary Assembly
 6.45pmVolunteer and Parent Helpers Course
Wed 21st Feb8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
  Prep student free day
Fri 23rd Feb8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.45amVolunteer and Parent Helpers Course 
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer