
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Impact The World: One Conversation and One Smile at a Time.

I recently embarked on a journey that stretched across three states to meet with fellow Christian leaders nationwide. Traveling by air can bring mixed emotions for many, stirring up a potpourri of emotions. Yet, for me, it is usually a time of productivity and introspection, accompanied by the melodies of my favourite music or enlightening podcasts. However, this particular voyage was unexpectedly challenging, marked by delays, missed connections and a lengthy transfer on train and then tram, summing up to nearly an eleven-hour odyssey to reach my meeting venue. Ever the optimist, I took these hiccups in stride, focusing on contributing positively to my business meetings and discussions.


The return trip was where I decided to outsmart the travel woes by beating the sunrise and the rush hour to the airport, only to be met with a new hurdle: an inability to check in or change my flights. This experience, however, opened my eyes to a more profound observation. As I navigated through the airport, interacting with various services, I sensed a diminishing warmth and eagerness to serve among people. It dawned on me that there is a growing detachment in our society, a subtle retreat from the genuine love and care we ought to have for one another. To help, to serve, to care.


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbour as yourself. 

Galatians 5:13-14


This revelation reinforces the critical role we play in nurturing our children within a community that values service, kindness and compassion. It is vital to instill in our young ones the importance of looking beyond ones individual needs, to understand the impact they can have on the person standing before them. Through acts of service, we can teach them to ask, 'How can I help you today?'—a question that embodies the heart of Christ’s teachings by valuing each person and knowing who they truly are.

These thoughts made me remember a story that impacted me when I was a teenager. The story is an adaption of the original story by Loren Eiseley: 


One day an old man was walking on the beach after a storm. In the distance he could see someone moving like a dancer. As he came closer, he saw that it was a young boy running from the sand to the shore line, back and forth. As the older man came closer, he noticed the boy was reaching down into the sand, then running to the water's edge and throwing something in the water. Then he would return and run back to the sand. As soon as the man got closer to the boy he asked, ‘Boy, what on earth are you doing?’ 


The boy replied, ‘I came down to the beach after the storm and saw hundreds and hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand. I need to help them get back in the water as the tide is going further out!’. 


The man chuckled and said, ‘Boy, there would be thousands of starfish along this beach, you’re not going to make a difference! You’ll be here for weeks!’ 


The boy stopped, looked up at the man, picked up a starfish, ran to the water's edge and threw it in the water. He then turned back to the old man and said, ‘It made a difference to that one!’

The story of this young boy on a beach, tirelessly saving starfish, resonates deeply with our mission. Despite being told his efforts were in vain, he demonstrated that making a difference to even one life is worthwhile. This story is a poignant reminder that our individual and collective acts of kindness are never too small; they are the ripples that can create waves of change.


As we navigate our daily lives and connect into this community and beyond, let us embrace the opportunity to be a beacon of love and service in our community. Let us be steadfast and 'unshakeable' in our commitment to make a difference, even if it is just to one person at a time. Together, let’s illuminate the path for our children, showing them the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving others.


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 

Colossians 3:12


In this journey, we are not just educators or parents; we are light-bearers in a world that desperately needs the warmth of compassion and the brilliance of God’s love. Let our school community be a shining example of what it means to live in service to one another, embodying the very essence of community-mindedness.

Chad Smit   |   Principal