Principal's Address

Welcome back to students and families for Term 1, 2024
We are at the halfway mark of Term 1 and the school year is in full swing. We have welcomed a new cohort of Year 7 students and expanded our Year 7/8 program to include a second home group. It was a pleasure to connect with so many students and families at our traditional welcome bbqs at our Richmond and Coburg campus.
A new year and expansion in 2024 has brought a number of staffing and role changes to the school. Ben Forbes has taken leave until the end of 2024 with Seamus Coppick continuing to act as Assistant Principal for the duration of 2024. We have welcomed three new teachers to the school; Nick Morda as Year 9/10 Homegroup Teacher, Belinda Moresi as Year 7/8 Homegroup Teacher, and Nick Ryan-Glenie as a classroom music and science teacher. We have also welcomed Elsie Daddow as Administration Manager and Elise Moloney-Morton as Careers, Pathways and Transition worker.
As announced in our final newsletter of 2023 we are now officially to be known collectively as Lynall Hall Community School, with campuses known as Coburg, Richmond and Richmond House. Over the summer break new signage was arranged for LHCS Coburg. The school is now investigating options for a school name change proposal. The first step in this process will be a consultation with the Wurundjeri Land Council.