From the Principal

Dear families,


It has been a wonderful start to 2024! 


There is a nice calm vibe to the school and it is great to see so many happy and smiling children. We have a busy week next week. On Monday we are at Belgrave Pool for our school swimming carnival, on Tuesday we are making pancakes (see the RE Information tab for more info - if your child has dietary requirements, please let your child's teacher know. The school will purchase the required mix), on Wednesday we have Ash Wednesday Mass and on Thursday, students who qualify for District swimming will compete at Belgrave Pool once again. Please make sure you keep your eye on School Stream and Operoo and keep on top of any admin that comes through. 


Just a reminder that all going well, I will be on leave from Monday 26th of February - Tuesday 5th of March. Mrs Danielle George will be Acting Principal in my absence. 


Icy Poles for Sale!!

Zooper Doopers will once again be on sale every Friday (starting tomorrow), if wanting to purchase one, please make sure your child brings along $1. Our school leaders will bring them around to the classrooms in the afternoon.


Welcome Jess Jones: 

As you are all aware, our wonderful Miss Prince and her partner Adam are expecting their first child later in the year. Jessie will be finishing up with us (only for now) and heading on maternity leave at the end of Term 1. In some exciting news, we welcome Jess Jones (Mrs Jones) on staff from the start of Term 2 until the end of the 2024 school year. Here is a little about Mrs Jones.....


A bit about me. 

  • I've been teaching for over 10 years, here and in WA. 
  • I have a Master of Wellbeing in Education. 
  • I have 3 children, (8, 6, 3 years). 
  • I grew up in the area and went to St Thomas More PS from grade 3 to 6 (and I was school captain in Year 6 - 1999). 
  • I go for Carlton.


School Absences:

It is vitally important that families communicate with the school around student absences. The school has a legal obligation to follow. MACS have provided new and updated policies for the school to implement. These can be found under the "Important Information" tab, or on our school newsletter. 


Daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. 


School participation is important as it maximises life opportunities for young people by providing them with education and support networks. Schooling helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values, which set them up for further learning and participation in their community. 


Car Parking on the Basketball Courts:

A big thank you to everyone for your careful driving in our school grounds. Just a reminder that cars may only go DOWN the ramp to the basketball court from 2:50 pm-3:10 pm. If you are running slightly late, please park in the Woolworths/Belgrave Library car park. Cars will start making their way back up the ramp at 3:15pm, so we cannot have cars coming down at the same time. 


NAPLAN 2024!

Schools are now starting to receive information about the upcoming NAPLAN testing period. Mrs Danielle George will keep families up to date with all the relevant information in the Learning and Teaching tab of the newsletter starting next week. For now, I have added a parent fact sheet below. 


The Testing period for our Year 3's and 5's is between March 13 - 25.



School Uniform:

The grace period for children being out of uniform is now over. All children must be in the correct school uniform. Students  must be wearing navy socks (white socks are fine on sports days). Please find the uniform list below. 


Complaints Handling:

Please find attached here a copy of the school's Complaints Handling Policy and also Procedures. 


Inform and Empower - Parent Evening (Cyber Safety):

On March 21st @ 7:30 pm Inform and Empower are hosting a community webinar (school has paid and is free for parents) that we have registered for. All parents in our community are welcome to join. Please click the link to scan the QR code on the flyer below.

I have attached the Parent Welcome Letter and also this terms parent tip sheets below:



Safer Internet Day:


Belgrave Football Club - Working Bee:

On Saturday 10th of February, the wonderful folks at the Belgrave Football Club, led by senior coach Darren Hamilton, will be coming to our school to run a working bee. This generosity is welcomed and we will be able to have a large group of strong lads and ladies to top up sand and soft fall around the school and also to do some weeding and general cleaning. Thanks Belgrave Footy Club!


Swimming Carnival:

On Monday 12th of February, we will be holding our annual Swimming Carnival morning (9:00am-12:30pm). Details were sent out via Operoo last week. Please make sure all details are updated and correct on Operoo and any medical forms are signed and returned. 


There will be swimming races for Years 3-6 for qualification to the upcoming District Carnival. Our Prep-2 students will be participating in our tabloid events. It sure will be a fun morning. 


An Operoo was sent home last week asking for parent helpers. 


I have also attached an updated social story for those students who would like to use one. Thanks Mrs Eekelschot for updating our Swimming Carnival Social Story for 2024!



Ash Wednesday:

We will be holding our Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday 14th of February @ 12pm in the Parish Church. All community members are welcome. There is a handy video in the RE information tab for those community members unfamiliar with Ash Wednesday. 


Parent and Teacher Meet and Greets:

Parent Meet and Greets (students welcome to attend) will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday (20th and 21st) of February. Please see the link below to book a time. This link was also sent earlier today via School Stream.


Please note information regarding PSGs was sent to families earlier this week. Students who receive substantial and extensive adjustments in class are asked not to book a Meet and Greet as they have termly Parent Support Group (PSG) meetings. 


Music classes:

Just a reminder that we do have Jed and Madeline who come to our school and teach music. If you are interested in drums or guitar (Jed) or keyboard/piano and singing (Madeline), please contact them via email.






School Advisory Council:

Our first SAC meeting will be Tuesday 5th of March @ 7:00 pm. The meeting will take place at the school in the staffroom. 


Parents and Friends Committee: 

The first meeting of 2024 will be held on Monday 19 February at 7:00 pm in the staffroom.  


2024 School Closure Days:

Monday 11th of March - Labour Day (Public Holiday)

Friday 29th of March - Good Friday (Public Holiday)

Thursday 25th of April - ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)

Friday 26th of April - School Closure

Friday 16th of August - School Closure 

Monday 21st of October - School Closure 

Monday 4th of November - School Closure

Tuesday 5th of November - Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday)

Friday 29th of November - School Closure

Monday 2nd of December - School Closure

Tuesday 17th of December - Students Last Day



Have a great week!!

God bless

