Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


What an amazing start to school for our wonderful Preps! We have been very busy up on Level 5, learning to move around safely, share and listen to others and have a lot of fun! The teachers are so impressed with the way every student has tried their best. As we say at SMPS: Progress over Perfection ... so let’s keep achieving!

Year 1

Our Year 1 students kicked off the year with enthusiasm! We're proud of how smoothly they adjusted to their new teachers, learning levels and routines. This week, they explored the park for the first time, having a blast during recess and lunch breaks. Mr. Sam guided them through the exciting equipment they can use when they go to Kirrip Park.

Year 2

Our Year 2 students have enjoyed revisiting their Big 10 knowledge over the past 2 weeks of our Learning to Learning phase. A highlight was when Mr. Messy visited our classrooms and made it very messy! They were shocked when they came up to their classrooms to see that books were all over the floor in the library, pencil caddies were tipped over, paper was knocked out of the recycling bin and chairs were not pushed in. Even 2A's shark mascot was found perched on top of the big teacher whiteboard! 


To learn about Big 10 Number 6: Keep personal and workspaces tidy and organised, our Year 2 students cleaned up their classrooms and made sure that everything was in its place. They learnt the importance of being a strong community member to work as a team to keep the classroom clean. This will ensure that Mr. Messy never returns!

Year 3

The smiles and beautiful manners used by the Year 3 students have brightened up Level 3 every day. During 'Learning to Learn', students have been busy building positive relationships with their new teacher and classmates. They have developed their understanding of the Big 10 Essential Habits, learnt how to keep ourselves and others safe and practised important routines to help them be organised and focused on learning. We have been blown away by how driven all of the students have been to follow routines and expectations. They are well on their way to success in Year 3! 

Year 4

We have been so impressed with how the Year 4 students have started the year. They have been working so hard at their classroom routines and have all demonstrated how they can follow the Big 10 each day. It has been a pleasure for the teachers to get to know each student and to watch the students make connections with each other. We can't wait for the year ahead!

Year 5

The Year 5 students have had a fantastic start to the year. During the 'Learning to Learn' phase, students have been revising the Big 10 Essential Habits, classroom routines, getting to know their new classmates and teacher, and much more! They have enjoyed creating posters and participating in team building games. It has been wonderful making connections with students across the cohort. The Year 5 teachers are very excited for the year ahead! 

Year 6

The Year 6 children have used the past two weeks diligently revisiting the Big 10 Essential Habits, establishing classroom routines and much more during the 'Learning to Learn' phase here at SMPS. Together, we've emphasised the importance of mutual respect within our community and the importance of having a Growth Mindset.


What has truly impressed us is the ability of these children to foster new friendships and develop strong connections with their teachers (YES all three of us) in such a short amount of time. With their exceptional performance surpassing all expectations, we are excited for the year ahead. We thank all the families for the efforts you put in at home, you have given us a wonderful start to 2024. We are honored to have you on our team this year. and to be part of your child's educational journey!

L-R: (Miss Sarah, Miss Rebekah, Miss Megan)
L-R: (Miss Sarah, Miss Rebekah, Miss Megan)