Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...


Dates to Remember:

  •   Monday 19th February: Teacher Curriculum Day - no school


Morning Drop Off

Children are to be dropped off at 8:45am at the Ferrars Street door. No Prep students are to enter through the main doors as this is Years 1 - 6 entry only.


Change of Pick Up Time

Prep pick up time is now 2:40pm.


School Nurse:

The Primary School Nursing Program is a free service offered by the Department of Education to all Prep students and their families during their child’s first year of school. On Monday 12th February you will receive a postcard showing you how to sign up. See the attachment for more information.

Teacher Email Details

Teacher Grade and NameTeacher Email
Prep A - Miss
Prep B - Mr
Prep C - Mr
Prep D - Miss Charlee

PE Days

Students should come to school wearing their full sports uniform on the day they have P.E.


Prep P.E. days are as follows:

Prep A - Miss OliviaThursday
Prep B - Mr JamesThursday
Prep C - Mr BenTuesday
Prep D - Miss CharleeWednesday

Year 1

Dates to Remember:

  •   Tuesday 20th February: Funfit In-Visit



The homework expectation for Year 1 is that our students will engage in nightly reading four nights a week, which they can record in their diary, and complete one Mathseeds lesson per week. Please remind your child that they should only complete one lesson per week. Remember, each week begins on Sunday. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. 

Students are encouraged to read books on MYON. In Week 4 (beginning Monday the 19th of February), on Tuesday, students will be visiting the school library and will be able to borrow two books to take home and read. Students can only borrow books if they bring their library bag to school. Please help remind your child to bring their library bag to school every Tuesday.


Students have come home with their new school diaries. Please encourage your child to record their reading. Diaries are to be brought to school every day. 



Please make sure your child comes to school with a fully charged iPad. A fully charged device ensures your child can access all the wonderful learning that takes place within the classroom. 


Classroom Access 

Please remember that parents are not allowed to enter the learning levels during the week. If your child requires additional support of a morning, please email your child's teacher. Parents are always welcomed in the morning on our Family Fridays.


Contacting Your Child's Teacher

The Year 1 Team is looking forward to working in partnership with families to support our students to achieve their highest potential. Email is a great way to contact your child's teacher if you have any queries or concerns. This is also how we will communicate with you regularly so please keep an eye out for any emails you receive from us. 

1A - Miss
1B - Miss
1C - Miss
1D - Mr.

Year 2


Homework Expectations 

  • Mathseeds: 1 lesson a week (Sunday begins the new week)  
  • 15 minutes of reading (4 nights a week) 
  • Diaries will be checked every Monday by your child's teacher

Thank you for supporting your child with their homework routine. We look forward to celebrating our Mathseeds Superstars every week. 



Mondays are our library day. Your child will need to bring their book bag. This will ensure the books are protected when taken to and from school. We hope your child enjoys engaging with their library books.


Compass Emails

Compass email is the best way to contact your child’s class teacher if you have a quick question or message. It should be noted that teachers may not be able to check these emails during the school day so if the message is urgent, it is best to send a note or call the School Office. 

2A - Miss
2B - Miss Shir
2C - Miss

PE Days

A reminder that PE falls on the following days for our Year 2 classes:

2A- Miss JessFriday
2B- Miss Shir ChiFriday
2C- Miss NiamhTuesday

Students should come to school wearing their full PE uniform on their relevant day.

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 12th March - Friday 22nd March: NAPLAN Testing 
  • Thursday 21st March: Democracy and Me Invisit


Contacting your Child's Teacher

The Year 3 Team is looking forward to working in partnership with families to support our students to achieve their highest potential. Email is a great way to contact your child's teacher if you have any queries or concerns. This is also how we will communicate with you regularly so please keep an eye out for any emails you receive from us. 

3A - Miss
3B - Miss Shannon
3C - Miss Shannon 

Homework Expectations

In Learning to Learn over the past two weeks, Year 3 students have been taught the homework expectations and how to access Mathletics on their iPad. You will find their log in details in their school diary. Diaries will be checked daily in class.

PE Days

Students should come to school wearing their full sports uniform on the day they have P.E.


Year 3 P.E. days are as follows:

3A- Miss CionaTuesday
3B- Miss Shannon CMonday
3C- Miss Shannon SMonday

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  •   Thursday 29th February: Funfit In-visit



There has been lots of excitement in Year 4 this week as our laptops have started to arrive. We are hoping that every child should have their laptop by early next week. Please ensure your child charges their device each night to 100% so their learning is not disrupted. Students should not change any settings on their laptop or put any stickers on their device. We ask that students do not download any further programs onto laptop.



Each week for homework, students are expected to read for 30 minutes a night and log this in their school diary. Diaries should be signed by a parent and will be checked each Friday morning. Students are also expected to complete between 200-1000 points of Mathletics, preferably on Monday or Tuesday night so any misconceptions can be addressed within the week. 


Contacting your child's teacher

Please find each teacher's email address below

Teacher: Email: 

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 12th February: SEA In-Visit 
  • Tuesday 20th February: First Aid Training
  • Friday 23rd February: South Melbourne Market Excursion


Compass Emails: 

The Year 5 Team is looking forward to working in partnership with families to support our students to achieve their highest potential. Email is a great way to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns. This is also how we will communicate with your regularly so please keep an eye out for any emails you receive from us. 


Teacher: Email: 

PE Days: 

5A - Miss OrlaithThursday
5B - Miss CathyFriday
5C - Miss Emily Friday 

Homework Expectations:

Students are expected to achieve between 200-1000 points on Mathletics each week, preferably to be completed on a Monday evening or Tuesday morning before school. In addition to this, students are expected to complete 30 minutes of independent reading from Monday to Thursday. Students are asked to log this reading in their school diary and get it signed by a parent or guardian. The Year 5 teachers check the diaries on a Friday morning. 



We are proud of our uniform as it unites us as a community. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform which includes black polishable shoes and the SMPS hat.


South Melbourne Market: Volunteers Needed

For the South Melbourne Market excursion to occur safely, we require a minimum of 2 parent helpers for each class to support bringing the students to the Market, supervising the students and returning to school with the students. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please email your child's class teacher to let them know. 


Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 12th February: SEA In-Visit 
  • Tuesday 20th February: First Aid Training


Diaries and Use of Compass

The Year 6 Team is excited to team up with families to help our students reach their full potential. Email and the use of the school diaries are a fantastic way to get in touch with your child's teacher if you have any questions or worries. Email is also how we'll keep you updated regularly, so make sure to check your inbox for any messages from us. We will be checking the diaries daily and we do expect them to be signed by an adult. If this is an issue, please let your child's teacher know.


Miss Sarah (6A) -

Miss Megan (6B)-

Miss Rebekah (6C) -


Homework Expectations:

Year 6 students should aim to earn between 200-1000 points on Mathletics each week, please do not go over 1000 points. We encourage students to complete this early in the week so they have time to ask their teacher for help if needed. Additionally, students are required to engage in 30 minutes of independent reading four nights a week. They must record this reading in their school diary and have it signed by a parent or guardian. We will review the homework diaries on the mornings of Tuesday-Friday.


 If there is an issue with meeting these expectations, please contact your child's teacher in advance and we are more than happy to provide support and accommodate your needs.



To be in school Monday-Friday and fully charged please.



We are proud of our uniform as it unites us as a community. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform which includes black polishable shoes and the SMPS hat. If there is a reason why your child cannot be in the correct unform, please contact your child's teacher.


PE days (PE uniform required):


Miss Sarah's Class : Monday

Miss Megan's Class: Wednesday

Miss Rebekah's Class: Wednesday


Get to Know Your Child Chats:

Please make a booking on Compass or contact your child's class teacher to organise a suitable time and date for these chats to occur.


We highly value communication as it greatly contributes to the success of our children. We look forward to working with you this year. Welcome to the team!