The Learning Page

Supporting students to achieve academically...

What Have We Been Learning?

Over the last two weeks, you may have heard your child talking about Learning to Learn. This is the focus of every year level at the start of each year. It occurs before our regular curriculum (which begins in Week 3) to ensure that all students are set up with strong:

  • Relationships with all teachers in their year level
  • Relationships with their classmates
  • Class routines
  • Work, social, effort and behaviour based habits

Once developed, relationships, routines and habits can positively impact students' academic performance and enjoyment of school.


We have been so impressed by the calmness and positivity that students are demonstrating as they form relationships, routines and habits that will set them up for success this year. Please take a look at the 'Class Celebrations' page to see photos of Learning to Learn in action.