School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

8:45am Entry to School

A friendly reminder to all families that the doors open at 8:45am each morning.  Some of our staff's work hours begin at 8:45am and we have noticed students following them through the door early. If you arrive before 8:45am, we kindly ask that you supervise your child playing and ensure they do not crowd around or enter the front door until 8:45am.


To support the safe transition of all students we remind families of the following entry points in the morning: 

  • Prep Students enter via Ferrars Street entrance. 
  • Years 1 - 6 Students enter via the Main School Entrance

Entry to the Office is via the Main Entrance. Students in Years 1 - 6 who may be arriving with a Prep sibling should still enter via the Main Entrance and not via the Ferrars Street entrance. 

Parent Contributions

A big thank you to all the families that have already paid their Parent Contributions or arranged a payment plan. The support we have received to start the 2024 year has been record breaking, with over 55% of Parent Contributions already received. If any families require assistance in setting up payment plans or alternative payment options, please contact the office.

In-Visits / Excursions

Consent Required

Yesterday, all families in Years 1 to 6 should have received emails about every excursion and in-visit occurring across the year. These will come out for Prep families in the next few weeks. Our staff have worked exceptionally hard to get these all organised so early in the year. The goal is to make this easier for families who can access all events for the year to give consent now, rather than in dribs and drabs throughout the year.



A reminder that in-visits and excursions have been deemed an extra-curricular activity by School Council for the 2024 school year. This means that only students that have paid the in-visits/excursions contribution will be able to attend these exciting and educational activities. 


With some in-visits and excursions planned in the coming weeks, please ensure you have paid the contribution so that your child does not miss out on any of these extra-curricular events throughout the year. If your family is facing financial hardship, please contact the office to seek assistance and discuss some alternative options, as our school would not want any student to miss out unduly. CSEF may be used to assist with payment of the in-visits and excursions fee.


Parent Helpers Invited

We require parent volunteers for all excursions. This year, we are using Compass to identify parents who may be interested in volunteering. Please follow the instructions below if you are interested in volunteering.


Step 1
Step 1

1. Open Compass and look for the event notifications where it says 'volunteering event available'. Click on 'Click here for information'.

Step 2
Step 2

2. Click on the 'Volunteer' tab.  Then click the 'Invited' option for the event.


Step 3
Step 3

3. You will see the event and its details. A section called 'Additional Questions' will ask whether you have a Working With Children Check.


Step 4
Step 4

4. Type your name.


Step 5
Step 5

5. You should see this message.

Step 6
Step 6

6. When you return to the event, you will see 'Awaiting school confirmation' in orange text. Staff will monitor the numbers of volunteers and then let each person who expressed interest know via email.  If we have more than enough volunteers for an event, staff will run a selection process to ensure fairness. If you are approved, the text will also turn to green and say 'Attending'.


We look forward to a wonderful year of in-visits and excursions!