Message from the Principal Team

Week 11:

We’re Nearly There!

We now have 3 ½ days of school left which is hard to believe especially as we have so much still left to fit in! It has been an extremely busy, long term and our students, staff and families are definitely ready for a school break. Despite how tired everyone is feeling, we have had a fantastic couple of weeks celebrating our learning and the end of term. Today our Foundation students headed to the Zoo to consolidate their learning for this term on Living Things and our Year 3/4 students walked to IMAX to see 2 documentaries: Secrets of the Sea 3D & The Story of Earth 3D. Tomorrow our Year 5/6 students head off on their annual Big Bike Ride.


Thank you!

We would like to take the opportunity to celebrate the success of each and every one of our students this year and thank the CNPS staff for their caring and dedicated approach to student wellbeing and learning. We would also like to thank the School Council for their strong support for the school and School Leadership and a huge thank you to our parents, carers and CNPS families for ongoing support and trust in our school and our staff.


Last night we conducted our final School Council meeting for 2023 (not the final meeting for the current School Council - 1 more in February). Thank you to our extremely dedicated and supportive School Council Presidents Kylie Lee and Bec Slater. We would also like to thank the rest of our 2023 School Council members for their support throughout the year:


Jess Adam, Conrad Dudley Bateman, Jane Bilby, Trish Harrington, Millie Holden, Bec Kelly, Alison Knott, Marcus Lau, Ben May, Briony O’Keefe, Hazell Opoz,

Don Townend 


Planting of Indigenous Edible Plants

On Tuesday Marnie led a team of parents including Georgie, Thi Tanh and Andrea in planting approximately 40 edible indigenous plants in our edible garden. In the afternoon the Year 5 students and FJ planted the remaining edible trees and mulched one of the bluestone garden beds. We can’t wait to see how our new plants have grown over the school break. If any families are around over the break, it would be greatly appreciated if some watering and weeding of the plot could occur to assist with the growth of our new and existing indigenous plants. 


This planting was the fruits of a successful Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant for $1000 worth of edible indigenous plants for our garden. 

Parent Helper Morning Tea

Thank you to all our parents/carers who were able to attend the Parent Helper Morning Tea yesterday. Not all parents, carers, extended family members were able to attend so we would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to all who have helped out at CNPS during the course of the year. We appreciate your support and assistance with the many excursions, sporting events and fundraising events that would not be able to run so successfully without you. 


Transition Session for Students in Foundation to Year 5

Our students from Foundation to Year 5 had a very successful transition session on Tuesday. We also welcomed several new students joining the school in 2024. The next session is this coming Monday 18. These sessions are a great opportunity for our students and staff to get to know their new class and classmates. Congratulations to all our students for demonstrating the school value of resilience during these transition sessions. 


Year 6 Graduation

The Year 5/6 Learning Space is buzzing with excitement as our Year 6 students near their Graduation and final day of school. We are looking forward to the Year 6 Graduation Assembly on Monday at 9:15am and then the Graduation evening on Tuesday at 6:00pm. This cohort of students will be dearly missed as we have known most of them since their very first day of Foundation back in 2017. 


Principal Team

Rachel Corben and Jane Bilby