Catholic Identity

2024 Diocesean Theme 

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day ~ February 13th

What an amazing day last Tuesday, for Shrove Tuesday, our Annual Pancake Day. We are yet to wipe the smile off our faces. Pure joy, hospitality and community.  


All we can say is thank you, thank you! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who lent a hand during our Pancake Day festivities. Some coming in extra early Tuesday morning and staying during their break to help clean up. Thank you to everyone who came over and joined in the celebrations, especially our students, staff, Fr Rene, Fr Ruel and our parishioners. We are extremely grateful. Together, we coordinated the cooking of around 400 pancakes, what an amazing effort! Shrove Tuesday is always such a great celebration in our School Community and is always worth the effort. The sense of community, generosity & joy is such a highlight.


Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders, who were amazing and showed outstanding leadership and initiative during the morning & in the lead-up to the day. Pancake Day could not have happened without you. We are super proud of you all!


Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.

Pope Francis 

Ash Wednesday Mass

Thank you to Fr Rene who celebrated Mass with us for Ash Wednesday last week. Ash Wednesday symbolises the beginning of a very important season in the liturgical year, Lent. We are all encouraged to commit to prayer, fasting & almsgiving throughout Lent. This could be a simple act of kindness, saying a special prayer for someone every day, spending some time in quiet meditation, prayer journalling, asking someone to join in a game, giving someone an extra big smile, not having a treat and donating the money saved to Caritas' Project Compassion Appeal. 


What are you going to do this Lent? 


10 tips for making Lent more meaningful 

1. Slow Down - Set aside 10 minutes a day for silent prayer or meditation. It will revitalize your body and your spirit. 

2. Read a good book - You could choose the life of a saint, a spiritual how-to, an inspirational book or one of Pope Francis' books. 

3. Be kind - Go out of your way to do something nice for someone else every day. 

4. Get involved - Attend a Lenten lecture, spiritual program or an extra Mass. 

5. Volunteer somewhere - at your parish, school, St. Vinnie's, it will give you a chance to help others. 

6. Reach out - to those who made need a visitor or a friend 

7. Pray more - Especially for people who are sick or are in need. 

8. Tune out - Turn off the television and spend quality time talking with family members or friends. 

9. Clean out closets - Donate gently used items to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. 

10. Donate - to “Project Compassion” decide how you can help by sending money, clothing or supplies.


What will you do to make Lent Worthwhile?

Project Compassion ~


The theme of Project Compassion 2024 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.  We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each pastoral group has a  Project Compassion box you can use to donate or you can donate online via the Caritas Australia website listed below.


Sacramental Candidates 2023/2024 ~ 

 We look forward to seeing the parents & carers of our Sacramental Candidates at our Adult Faith Development and Information evening for Confirmation and Eucharist this Thursday at 7pm at St. Mel's Church.



Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.