Assistant Principal Report

 Deanne Scott & Spira Antonopoulos 



Happy New Year for 2024, and the year of the Wood Dragon, to all of our families and extended community! It was great to see so many happy students come through the school gates on the first day of this year. 

Attendance at School

Let’s get the new year off to a great start by remembering that everyday counts. It is important that your children attend school every day (of course with exception of illness and a few other reasons). Just missing one day a fortnight equals missing a year and a half over 13 years of schools. That’s a lot of missed learning opportunities!


It’s also important to try to be on time for each school day. Being only 10 minutes late to school every day, adds up to missing almost a week and half of school over a year. Try to make medical appointments for outside of school hours or at least after 3pm if and when possible. 


If your child is unwell or missing school for some other reason, please remember to log their absence on Compass or call the school to notify us. If your child is going to be absent for more than one day, please contact their teacher to see if there is any learning your child might be able to complete at home to reduce the likelihood of them missing out on important concepts.


2024 Term 1 Challenge of the Week

This term, the challenge will be:

‘Maths Puzzles’

The aim is to collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry) to solve the puzzles. There will be more than one puzzle so try to solve as many as you can!

Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Thursday 8th February.


Puzzle 1: 














Puzzle 2:















Thank you,








Deanne Scott

Assistant Principal



Dear DPWP families,


Welcome back to 2024. I hope everyone had a lovely time over the break and shared some memorable moments together.  We warmly and officially welcome our 2024 Foundation students and families to our wonderful school. 


We know that your time at DPW will be filled with great learning and fulfilling experiences over your primary schooling years.

This will be a short yet busy and exciting term as Term 1 is a 9-week term. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with the wider school community through our Celebration of Learning, a Foundation Parent Afternoon Tea and many more exciting, planned events. Please look out for further correspondence regarding these events in our future newsletters.


NAPLAN is from 13th-25th March. The students in Years 3 & 5 will be participating in NAPLAN. There will be more communication regarding NAPLAN in the up-and-coming weeks.


Many thanks.









Spira Antonopoulos

Acting Assistant Principal