Key Dates

Term 3 2023
Please check SEQTA calendar for further dates.
TERM 3 | |
Monday 28th- Friday 1st | Primary Gymnastics |
Wednesday 30th | Yr7 Drama Excursion |
Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews | |
Wednesday 30th - Friday1st | Yr9 PASS Camp 1 |
Wednesday 30th - Friday 8th | Yr11 Exams |
Friday 1st | Father's Day Celebration & Footy Colours Day |
Wednesday 6th | Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews |
Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th | Year 9 PASS Camp 2 |
Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th | Year 4 Camp |
Tuesday 12th | Primary Jump Rope for Heart 'Jump Off' |
Monday 11th | Springtime Concert |
Friday 15th | Valedictory Dinner |
Last day of Term 3 - 2:05pm | |
TERM 4 | |
Monday 9th | Student free day |
Tuesday 10th | First day of term 4 |
Kinder and Year 1 Swimming Program | |
Wednesday 11th | Kinder and Year 1 Swimming Program |
Wednesday 11th - Friday 3rd | HSC Exams |
Wednesday 17th - Friday 20th | Year 6 Camp |
Tuesday 24th | Kinder and Year 1 Swimming Program |
Thursday 26th - Friday 27th | Year 3 Camp |
November | |
Friday 3rd | T20 Primary Cricket Yrs 3-6 |
Tuesday 7th | Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Friday 10th | Remembrance Day Service |
Monday 13th - Friday 24th | Year 10 Work Experience |
Friday 24th | Year 7 Italian Excursion |