Outside School Hours Care

This Week at OSHC - Garden Week


This week we got down and dirty learning the basics of gardening and composting!


The children had fun learning how worm farms help reduce food waste by setting up the OSHC worm farm.  We did this by making worm bedding out of shredded newspaper and cardboard and layering the bedding with soil so we could finally add the worms. 


We had fun placing our new wormy friends into their home and giving them their dinner of our afternoon tea scraps then giving them a good watering before we let them rest and went on to gardening which of course turned into a big leaf ball fight for all educators and children involved!


We have also had some fun this week planting some grass in the classroom so we can observe it take root and grow so we can take what we learn and take it to our garden patches when the weather gets warmer.





 Next Week at OSHC - Bluey!

Good afternoon Families, 


This is a friendly reminder to please ensure that you are booking your children into TheirCare if you require care prior to the day of. This ensures that you will be able to book your children in without going on a waiting list and allows us time to arrange staff for the amount of children booked. Unfortunately, We cannot take children into our care if they are not booked in and exceed our ratio. It is a requirement under the Education and Care Service National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Law that we do not exceed our ratios. Thank you for your understanding and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. 


Kind Regards,

The TheirCare team

Contact information 

Coordinator Emma Anderson
Service PhoneO448 200 268
Head Office 1300 072 410