St Brigid's News & Events

We are looking forward to our end of Term Football Day on Thursday 14th of September. Children can come dressed in their footy gear on this day and we will have a Football Parade at 9:00am - parents are most welcome to stay. Our Tuckshop Team are putting on a special Footy Day lunch for $7:00. You can order a Traveller Pie and Juice or Mrs Macs Sausage Roll and Juice. Orders are now open via CDFpay. All orders must be in by 3:00pm on Thursday 7th of September. Click here for the link to CDFpay.
Father's Day Stall - Thursday 31 August & Friday 1 September
We are looking forward to our Father's Day Stall on Thursday 31 August. For those children attending the District Athletics - don't worry you will get a chance to attend the stall on Friday 1 September. Thanks to our So.Fun.Team for oraganising some great gifts for Dad.
Father's Day Breakfast