Parents & Friends News

Dear all,
What a great night last night was at the Movie Night! Thank you to all the parents and carers for getting their children back to school for a 5pm drop off. From seeing all the smiles on the children’s faces I’m sure they loved it. A massive THANK YOU goes to Mrs Ferrari, Mr Speranza, Mrs Borgese, Miss Jacquie, Miss Raffaele, and Miss Kala for giving up their evening to help out. Also to Kasia, Donna, Hywell, Emilo, Claudette, Bec, Vesna and Jade for doing a brilliant job with the set up, serving all the food and with packing up. Well done it was a great team effort. Thank you!!
Father’s Day Breakfast BBQ
On Friday 1 September 2023 we will be hosting our Father’s Day Breakfast BBQ. Gates
will open at 7:30am. Each ticket purchased will provide you with ONLY 2 CHOICES per family of either a Sausage Sizzle or a Bacon & Egg Muffin. When making your booking please choose 2 options so we can cater for the morning. If you require more quantities, you can buy extra on the day. There will also be a choice of yummy baked food, sandwiches and fruit. And don't forget about coffee, tea and milo for everyone for free and of course music and a raffle. So book away this weekend.
Cake Stall
Well done to Year 4’s on another fabulous Cake Stall! All the sweets just keep getting better and better that I cannot resist myself. Thanks to Kasia, Charmaine, Lizzie, Grace and Liz along with our little bakers Sebastian, Davide, Magnus, Anna, Nick G and Sienna H. Great Job!
On Monday 28 September 2023 from 3:15pm until 3:45pm it’s the Year 3’s turn to provide us with some yummy treats. So I’ll see you all there.
Major Fundraiser - FETE
Our Major Fundraiser is our school FETE which is coming up on the 18 November 2023 from 10am until 4pm. All the planning is coming along smoothly, but we are now asking for volunteers to help on the day as there are quite a few stalls and we need as many helpers as possible.
We also need lots of prizes for our games such as soft toys, fidgets and small items to use as prizes.
We are also looking for anyone or businesses who might be able to sponsor any of our Stalls or donate items to help make it even better.
All business sponsors and donations will be recognized on each stall they have helped with, and will be acknowledged and thanked in our booklet.
If you would like to secure a stall, please contact myself or the office and we will provide you with all the details.
I'm really excited to end the week off with our BOOK WEEK parade. I hope the sun is shining so all the children can show off their incredible outfits of their favorite book.
On behalf of the P&F have a wonderful weekend.