From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

 Dear Families,


Dear Families,

Book Week with the 2023  theme 'Read, Grow, Inspire' has captured our imaginations this week. The students have discovered books from a range of authors and artists, read prize winning stories and been amazed at the artists' interpretations accompanying these texts. 


Reading is a lifelong pursuit, allowing us to be exposed to many worlds, differing perspectives and dimensions within the safety of our classroom and home. Students from the junior years learn to read and then from these foundational skills and experiences, our students read to learn, to become lifelong learners.  


A highlight of Book Week is always the book parade. This year our Year 6 curriculum Leaders: Jack, Bella, Spencer and Indie together with Mrs Mason, our Literacy Leader have led our community, with the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character. Through speaking at school assemblies they have shared Book Week and then offered engaging activities at recess and lunch times, for which they are to be congratulated. This morning we had our annual Book Week parade with our students leading the commentary and what an exciting celebration of all things book related it was. I had the pleasure of conducting a school tour for a prospective parent in my pirate outfit, as Tough Boris by Mem Fox!  We were very proud of our Year 6 Curriculum Leaders for hosting our parade, leading the dancing, clapping and interviewing some characters. We thank Mrs Angela Mason our Literacy Leader, Mrs Janelle Adams and all the staff for this week, including the multi age activities today, working at the Book Fair and embracing the parade. Thank you to the P&F for our delicious morning tea. We look forward to our performance of 'Way to Cool', tomorrow morning. 


Thank you for the support of our Book Fair, organised by Janelle Adams.  It was great seeing families sharing their love of reading, with all proceeds go towards purchasing books for our library. Your generosity is much appreciated, as is Janelle's organisation. 

Cake Stall update 

Last Monday we had another successful cake stall, by our Year 4 families. We look forward to our Year 3 Cake Stall next Monday. I never ceased to be amazed by the culinary skills and creativity of our families. I just wish we could invent a calorie free delicious cup cake!  Next year this reinstated tradition will start at the beginning of the year, allowing greater time between each stall. 

Our partnership with St Mary’s College 

Working in partnership with St Mary’s College, continues to offer both our schools exciting opportunities. On Tuesday afternoon our Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting, focused on exploring Scripture with Father Jerome. The purpose of this professional development was to enhance our faith formation and develop deeper understanding when working with scripture, with our students. Several of the St Mary’s College staff joined us including Mr Michael Lee the interim Principal. Building the connections between our communities has so many benefits and gains for ourselves but more importantly for our students. Another example of sharing resources, is our upcoming production, which is going to be held in the St Mary’s College Hall. We are most appreciative of being able to use this performance space. 


Another initiative which continues to go from strength to strength, is  the St Mary's College Year 11 students reading with and to, our Year 1 students on a Thursday morning. These Year 11 students are a pleasure to have in our learning spaces and enrich our literacy opportunities and experiences in Year 1. The care and support they give our students is beyond their years, and we thank them for their time. 


Movie Night 

Last night we had so much fun at our annual Movie Night. The students arrived in their PJ’s, with an assortment of bean bags, sleeping bags and cuddly toys. We gathered in three spaces and watched The Lorax and Zootopia. Of course the children were well mannered patrons at our classrooms cinemas and enjoyed the popcorn, hot dog and Dixie Belle ice-creams. Thank you to Mr Anthony Speranza, Ms Daniela Borgese, Miss Jacquie, Miss Rafaele and Miss McIness and of course our hard working parent body. Thank you to Emilio, Hywell, Kasia, Louisa, Claudette, Vesna, Bec, Donna and Jade for their catering and waitering skills. 

Pirates Past Noon 

Ahoy there me hearties! We are working hard in preparation for our whole school Pirates Past Noon production. The students with lead roles are dedicating their recess and lunch times to rehearse, and being supported by Ms Earle and many staff in addition to their yard duties. Each year level is practicing their songs and dance routines in Performing Arts and in class. Information regarding Performance One and Performance Two, tickets, costumes and much more will be out shortly. 


Confirmation Family Faith Night - Thursday 24th Year 6 Classroom 6pm

This evening our Year 6 students with some parish students and their families are participating in the Family Faith Night. This session will allow us to develop our understanding and reflect upon the Sacrament of Confirmation. We thank Father Jerome, Ms Jes Earle our Religious Education Leader, Ms Denise and Mr Anthony Speranza for supporting this Sacrament. We look forward to seeing our Year 5 and 6 students at the 5:30pm Mass this Sunday 27th August, as we gather as a senior school and support our Confirmation candidates. 


Stay, Chat and Play

It is great seeing the younger members of our community having fun. Please feel free to join us on Wednesdays mornings from 9:00am - 10:00am.


As always, sharing proud learning moments with our students is what I love most about my job. How clever are our Prep students? Please also enjoy Paige’s recount of the feast of the Assumption, and illustration.


Father’s Day/Special Friend’s Day Breakfast and Mass 1st September 

Please keep Friday 1st September free for our special breakfast followed by a whole school Mass, celebrating all that these people bring to our lives and thinking God for them.  Thank you to the P&F for another wonderful community event.  


Just another quiet fortnight at St Mary's Primary School! 


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari