Prep, Year 1 and Year 3 Swimming Program

Our St Simon the Apostle Swimming program begins next week for our Prep, Year 1 and Year 3 students. They will be attending swimming lessons every school day from Monday 4th September to Friday 15th September. The timetable below outlines the structure of the lessons and when your child will be attending their session.

What Your Child Needs To Pack and Bring EVERY DAY

Prep, Year 1 and 3 students attending the swimming program will need to bring the following to school every day in a swimming bag;

  • A towel, 
  • 2 x plastic bags for wet clothing 
  • Spare Underwear and socks
  • Thongs/slides (only to be worn at the pool venue)
  • A Hairbrush (Optional) 
  • Goggles (Optional: If students have received their Maxi Pink Paul Sadler certificate, they will have received their goggle licence)
  • Swimming cap (Optional)
  • Ear plugs (Optional)

Please ensure that all items brought to school are clearly labelled with your child's name.

Students can bring their swimming bathers in their swimming bag and change into them before their session. Alternatively bathers can be worn in the morning under their school uniforms if they are comfortable to wear them during school time before their session. 

If your child does require additional support with changing before or after their lesson, please contact your child's classroom and arrangements can be made to cater for their needs.

In accordance with school protocol, all photography is prohibited during the two week program. 

If there are any queries, please email your classroom teacher or our Outdoor Education Leader, Mr Karl Camerino