School News

School Values Awards 

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 3, Week 5                      

Belong: Gracie

Explore: Vin

Flourish: Anni

Serve: Aiden


Term 3, Week 6

Belong: Joy

Explore: Levi

Flourish: Archer

Serve: Sienna


Welcome to Tyler in Foundation, who has joined Pilgrim School in this last fortnight. We look forward to getting to know you and your family. We pray that you will quickly find connections and feel at home here.

Intergenerational Playgroup 

The Foundation and Year 1 classes have a focus on Serving older adults in 2023.

They began this journey earlier this year by gaining an understanding of what life is like for an older adult. This was achieved through stories and interviewing grandparents. The students then spent time empathising and brainstorming what they could do, for or with older adults, to enrich their lives. Much of what the students suggested involved time with children. This is where the Intergenerational Playgroup comes into play. 


We invited some of the Seniors from Seeds Church to visit and enjoy playing, creating and planting basil seeds with us and listening to our singing. It was such a special time for everyone! We have 3 more sessions planned this year. We are also looking forward to visiting Resthaven in Aberfoyle Park to sing some songs to them.


Elizabeth Sarre 

Year F/1S Classroom Teacher 

Book Week

Read, Grow and Inspire was the theme for the 2023 Children’s Book Week. During the week, students enjoyed ‘A book a day in the Nature Play’. We made the most of the sunshine and the pleasure of listening to a good book. At lunchtime, the students were able to get creative in the library with bookmarks and mini book making, as well as partake in lessons in cartooning. We finished the week with an exciting Book Week Parade in the gym, with lots of smiling and excited students taking in the experience. We hope this week has inspired students to read more and grow in their love of books and learning. 

Uniform Checks Term 3

Over the next two weeks, our staff will be checking whether students are wearing correct uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct items as per our uniform policywhen they come to school. Until the beginning of December, summer or winter uniform may be worn, but not a mix of these. For the month of December, only summer uniform may be worn. 


Please note the following: 



Earrings – single plain round metal stud or plain sleeper in both ear lobes. 

No bracelets or necklaces.



Hair longer than the shoulders must be tied back from the face (entirely up).

Hair accessories should be uniform colours.

Haircuts should be no less than ‘Number 2’.


Additional Items

No clothing should be visible under the uniform (for example, singlets or T shirts).

If you have questions about uniform, please contact Kristen Heath or the Front Office staff. Teachers will send parents an email if they notice there are components of the uniform your family needs to address.

Emmaus Middle School Worship Team

Our school was blessed to have the Emmaus Middle School Worship Team lead us in Worship in Week 5. Leah, a student from Emmaus, shared about the story of Esther and how sometimes choices are hard to make but God is always there to support us through them. They also led the students through a game and all the students were very excited. Our students love the annual visit from the Emmaus Worship Team that has been happening over the last few years.

Operation Christmas Child 

This term the Student Representative Council has chosen for our school to participate in 'Operation Christmas Child'. We are aiming to fill two shoeboxes per class - one for a boy and one for a girl. This is a great blessing for the children who receive them and helps our students look outwards and develop in Godly character. 


Could you please support your child in bringing a new item to add to the shoebox? Some ideas are stationery, clothing items, small toys, soft teddies, school supplies, hair accessories and small musical instruments. For a full list of ideas, click on the following link: 



Please do not include war toys, food or lollies, used items, or happy meal toys.

If you would prefer to donate money instead of an item, this will be used to cover postage of the boxes, or to purchase some extra items. This can be done via the Qkr! App.

Donations will be received until the end of Week 7 (Friday 8th September).

Thank you for your willingness to support our students in serving others.


Jenni Forder

Pastoral Care Worker

Planning for 2024

As per our recent email, if your family has different plans for 2024 and your child will not be returning to Pilgrim School next year, please remember the school requires a term’s notice in writing. Please complete our Notice of Enrolment Withdrawal form by Friday 29th September (the end of Week 10 this term) to avoid paying a term’s fees in lieu of agreed notice.

Kristen Heath

Administration Coordinator


2023 Musical 'Right as Rain'

For those wanting to rewatch our school musical from last term, please click on the link below. You can also choose to download a copy to watch in the future by clicking here. Thank you to Ethan Wildman for putting this video together for our school.