Parents Committee News

Fundraising and Social Committee Update!
Our aim is to ensure the money is spent for the benefit of the students and the school in general.
Following the feedback provided in the parent survey earlier this year we are focusing ourattention on technology and additional reading resources. As you know from previous newsletters we have purchased new readers so we are now focusedon new chrome books for the Preps to Grade 2 to replace aging tech. This will be the largest expense for the year.
A date for the diaries, one the kids are sure to love - Thursday 26 October, colour 'Fang' run followed by a family picnic.
We discussed improving the Front entrance of the school making it more pleasing to the eye of everyone. If you can help out with donations of easy care plants it would be appreciated. Ongoing maintenance help to keep it neat so anyone who can water or weed a few minutes oftheir time would also help.
Dads Night Out
When : Thursday 7 September
Where : Railway hotel
Time : 715pm
Pls call vince 0466770387 if you have any questions
Tuesday 22nd August | Parent Social & Fundraising Committee Meeting |
Tuesday, 29th August | Father’s Day Stall
Friday, 1st September | Father’s Day Breakfast
Friday, 1st September | Mums Night Out |
Thursday, 7th September | Dads Night Out |
Thursday 26th October | Colour "Fang" run & family picnic |
Saturday, 18th November | Ladies’ Lunch
December | Christmas raffle
If you are available for any of the following, please contact Catherine in the office: or 9314 5996
• Working in the Second-hand Uniform Shop: Friday mornings; 8.20am-9am
St. Augustine's Pre-loved Uniform Shop
Preloved Uniform Shop
Washed donations are gratefully accepted. Please leave them in the hamper at the office.
Not all uniform items or sizes will be available but please continue to check as new items get donated and placed on the shelves.
All items are pre-worn and are $5.
Cash or Card accepted.
The shop is run by parent volunteers so all offers for help will be welcome.
Usual hours Friday morning 8:30am - 9:00am