Classroom & Curriculum News

Weekly Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the students who worked hard this week and received an Encouragement and Recognition Award!!
House Colour Competition
House Teams | Total Points |
Yr 1/2 News!
Unfortunately we have decided that we were unable to keep the chicks at school as we have found out that many of them are actually roosters- 7 out of 9! Therefore, we organised for Pearl (Yr 4) & Patrick's (Prep) grandparents to take all the chicks during the week. They have a farm and were more than happy to add them to their current chicken coup. Although we are disappointed that we cannot keep them at school anymore, we know that they will be loved and cared for by Mr & Mrs McIntosh. We thank both of them for taking over the care for our chickens and look forward to seeing photos.
5/6 Snow Camp- Harrietville and Mount Hotham
The 5/6 students had a wonderful time on camp from 23-25th August.
The students participated in fun activities while in Harrietville including archery, gaga pit and hut building. But the most exciting part of all was our snow day on Mount Hotham. Many of the 5/6 students were beginners and did such a great job mastering the skies. Some were confident enough to try the slops. Of course, a fun way to end the day was with a snowball fight!
We are so extremely proud of the 5/6 students for working together in their groups, trying something new and challenging and growing their friendship with one another.
A special thanks to Mr Stead, Mr Tony, Mr Frank for assisting on the camp.
From Miss Marissa and Mrs C.
St Augustine's Mini Carnival
Thank you to the year 5/6 students for creating some fun activities on Thursday afternoon, celebrating St Augustine's Feat Day (28th August).
Some favourite included: Pin the tail on the Donkey, beanbag toss, around the world, obstacle course, egg and spoon races, Ping-Pong ball toss and the dance party.
THURSDAY 7th September
This year the theme for Book Week is Read, Grow, Inspire... With such a diverse and interesting theme we look forward to seeing all the students dress up for our Parade on Thursday 7th September 9am in the hall.
Students are encouraged to come dressed as a fictional character from a book and bring the book with them on the day for the parade.
We look forward to seeing all the creative costumes.
3/4 project presentations
Over the last few weeks, the year 3/4's have been busy with inquiry learning! They have each researched one of Australia's neighbouring countries. They have also been designing their own made up island. They have put in a lot of effort to develop each aspect of their island including designing a flag, coat of arms, national anthem and more. They then created a model of their island as part of their homework. They have been presenting their models and island's to the class and also had the Prep and 1/2 students visit the classroom to have a look too! Well done to all Year 3/4 students for all your hard work.