The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
Well, what a busy two weeks it has been.
Year 5/6 Camp
Last week, Wednesday to Friday the Year 5/6s had their camp at Harrietville, which included a day on Mt Hotham, learning to ski. For many of the students it was the first time seeing snow. Considering this, it was amazing how quickly they learnt the basics of skiing and were soon skiing down the slope with confidence, enthusiasm and fearlessness. The day was rounded off with some tobogganing and the longest and biggest snowball fight I (and possibly Mt Hotham) have ever seen. I really value being able to provide the students with camp experiences. I also really enjoy being able to attend camp, being able to spend time with the students outside of school and watching them grow and develop, facing new challenges and achieving new goals. I would like to thank the Year 5/6 students for their enthusiasm and excellent behaviour, and their willingness to give skiing a go. I would also like to thank the teachers and staff who attended the camp; Marissa Balbuziente, Michelle Cvetkovska, Tony Castellano and Frank Lorenzon. In particular I thank Miss Marissa for taking the lead and organising the camp, ensuring it ran safely and smoothly.
First Holy Communion
On Sunday 27th August, students from Year 3 made their First Holy Communion, with one student receiving a special blessing. We had a glorious day that was warm and sunny. The mass was a beautiful celebration. The large, continuous smiles on the students faces said it all. It was a privilage to share this special day and moment with the students and their families. Thank you to Miss Isabelle Maher, Miss Olivia Jones and Mrs Michele Witchell for preparing the Year 3 students for this special day. Special thanks to Michele Witchell as REL(Religious Education Leader) for all the work she puts into organising the day and all the events and activities leading up to this celebration.
Farewell For Fr John
Yesterday we farewelled Fr John at a special assembly and morning tea. Each class presented Fr John with cards. The 3/4s presented Fr John with a book of letters. It is sad to see Fr John leave us and he will be greatly missed. For nearly 15 years Fr John has been an integral part of our school community. We thank Fr John for all the school masses, sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation and all the classroom visits. We wish him the best of luck as he takes up his new position as Parish Priest of Holy Name East Preston and Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury.
Father's Day Breakfast
This morning we had our annual Father's Day Breakfast. We were blessed with a glorious sunny day and a great turnout of families. The fresh croissants and danishes were delicious, the coffee was hot and the conversations jovial. A very big thank you to the Parent Committee for organising and running the event. Events like this throughout the year would not be possible with the volunteers who give generously of their time.
Colour Fun Run
We’re holding the School Halloween Crazy Colour Fang Run as a major fundraising event this year! The event will be held on 26 October. We are really hoping to raise money to go towards the purchase of replacing Chromebooks and other resources.
Keep your eyes peeled for the sponsorship forms which will be sent home with your child. Once you have the form, you should sign up for a Student Profile Page at You’ll be able to access online fundraising and can win a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package!
Students who raise $10 or more will receive a reward, and the more money you raise the better the reward, and the more you help the school!
We’re looking for all students to participate and we’re organising a great day for our community, so we’d love everyone to come down to support the kids.
If you have any questions about the School Halloween Crazy Colour Fang Run please contact the School Fun Run Office on 1800 FUN RUN.
Thanks for supporting the school and we hope to see you at the event!
Annual Review Meetings
During the next week I will meet for about one hour with each staff member to conduct their Annual Review. Each staff member will have completed an online self review which will form the basis for our discussion, and from this we will set goals for the year ahead. We will also discuss intentions for 2024 and possible staffing structures and arrangements.
Upcoming events:
Tuesday 12 September 3.00pm - 6.30pm: Art Show
Tuesday 12 Setember 6.30pm: Year 6 Confirmation Family Night
Wednesday 13 September 3.00pm - 6.30pm: Art Show
Wednesday 13 September 3.15pm: End of Term 3
Thursday 14 & Friday 15 September: School Closure - 2 Day Religious Education PD for staff
Until the next newsletter,
Go the Blue Baggers!!
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead