On Thursday 31st August, our Year 7 - 10 students attended a presentation on Cyber Safety. We can all feel a false sense of security while using our phones and so this was a good reminder to use technology responsibly and with a great deal of caution. Whenever we are communicating with people, whether it be face to face or over social media we are called to be respectful, truthful and kind. A reminder that students 7 - 11 are not permitted to carry their phones with them during the day. Instead they should be locked in lockers before Homeroom.


A reminder that all students are expected to stay on school grounds during the day unless they have a note from parents. While at times students may need to leave for appointments we strongly discourage students leaving school during the day simply to go down the street. Bus travelers in particular are not permitted to go to the supermarket or other shops in the morning. Instead they should get off the bus and enter the school grounds directly. 


There is a very large pile of unclaimed uniform items in Pastoral Care. Student uniform items should be clearly labeled so that in the event they are lost or misplaced they can be returned. Uniform items that remain unclaimed at the end of the term will be donated to St Vincent de Paul. 


We now have only two weeks left of term. This is the time for students to knuckle down and focus on completing all their assessment tasks. It is easy to start to loosen up a little during these weeks as we can all see the holidays on the horizon. Instead, students should do their very best every day and finish the term with enthusiasm and commitment to their learning.