Focus on Learning

Kindergarten - Miss Sallie Pilgrim


We have been super busy in our Literacy block, with our reading and writing. In InitiaLit we have been learning new single sounds and digraphs such as 'ee', 'ff', 'qu', 'sh', 'ss', 'th', 'll'. We have learnt that a digraph is two letters making one sound. We can now read and write all of the digraphs learnt. 

In writing we have been independently writing about a different animal each day, with the focus of our writing being on describing the animal.  When writing we use our knowledge of the letters and sounds we know and writing the sounds we hear as we stretch out the words. This week we are writing an Information Report on Whales, ask me about some facts that I have learned about Whales.


We have been learning about subtraction in Maths for the past couple of weeks. Using counters, teddy bears, pencils and other hands on material we have been able to successfully work out simple subtraction questions. As the weather starts to warm up, we have taken advantage of the sunshine and spent some time learning outside. 


In music this term we have been learning about the different notes used when playing an instrument. Ms Caterer taught us how to play the glockenspiel, you should hear how clever we are!

During Book Week we were able to spend some quality time with our 5/6 buddies. During this time we designed a book cover to go with the book character that we came to school as. 

Coolamon Challenge - Week 8 

Congratulations to our winners from Weeks 6 &7 - Sienna and Ryder!  They received a voucher for a complimentary ice-cream courtesy of The Coolamon in Quirindi. 



Please see below for this week's challenges: Spot the Difference! 


Nature Ninjas - our gardening club


We are finalising our harvest of the winter vegetables, tending to some lettuce, herbs and flowers we planted recently, as well as busily preparing our soil for spring planting. We are so excited to have some buds and fresh shoots happening in our garden; spring has sprung!  We hope to plant a variety of fruits and vegetables to help supply our school canteen.  Our plans are: strawberries, watermelon, rockmelon, lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and others!   A big THANK YOU to the students who remain committed to this initiative.  Be sure to scroll across to see all of the photos from this week.