From the Principal

Natalie Shanahan

The Community Engagement Committee have been kicking goals this term. Children and adults alike have enjoyed some great social opportunities with some awesome fundraising efforts along the way. This term we have managed to add $15,000 to our playground fund. Wow! Thank you one and all for your efforts, big and small, to contribute to this. We will be in a great position to add to, and enhance, the base playground scheme that is provided through the building project budget. 

Can you help with the term 4 parent helper roster? 

Please follow the link below to help out; 

Lost Property    

(any weekday)

Lunch Orders

Monday 1.00-1.30pm

Lunch Orders

Friday 1.00-1.30pm

Icy Poles

Thursday 1.00 - 1.30


Thanks to our students and staff who have worked together on solutions to solve our issues on the oval.  It has turned out to be an excellent exercise in negotiation and compromise for many of our students. However, we have also reached the point in the school redevelopment program where we are starting to feel the squeeze on our outside spaces. As a result, we have decided to trial a different timetable for the first 5 weeks of term 4. This will involve a split/separate lunch time for P-2 and 3-6 students. The P-2 timetable remains unchanged and all students in the school will be able to play together during recess. However the years 3-6 students will have their lunch play an hour earlier at 12.30pm.

Prep - Year 2Years 3 - 6
9.00-11.00 -class time9.00-11.00 -class
11.00-11.30 - recess11.00-11.30 - recess
11.30-1.30 - class time11.30-12.30 -class time
1.30-2.30 - lunchtime12.30 - 1.30 - lunchtime
2.30 -3.30 - class time1.30-3.30 - class time        

We are busy making plans to open up the area behind the art room for additional space and look forward to sharing those plans with you soon. When the build is over in May next year we will regain the basketball court outside the gym and also the top asphalt area at the corner of Banyule Rd when they will remove the two portables currently there. 


The view from my window this week;

All prepped and ready for the foundation to be poured next week. 


This week we said farewell to Mrs Cockett who has been a much loved member of staff for 26 years. We wish her all the best for her retirement and exciting new adventures.


Wow! This brings to an end my first term as principal of this remarkable school. Thank you one and all for the support you continually provide to myself and the staff. I'm so proud and humbled to be the caretaker of this amazing school.  Thanks for embracing the community activities, I'm very keen for everyone to feel connected and involved because ultimately we all want the same thing; for these beautiful children to be happy, safe and thriving every day. 


Finally, I'll be away for the first two weeks of term. Sam Fleming will be in charge during that time. I'm heading off to Spain and Italy on Saturday for a long awaited family holiday.
