Level 2
Level 2
Wow! This has certainly been a whirlwind of a fortnight! We have had so many exciting experiences and learning adventures.
Crazy Sock Day
Monday 28th of August was Crazy Sock Day, run by the Junior School Council to raise funds towards the purchase of classroom sports equipment. Students (and teachers) had a blast wearing crazy socks all day!
Book Week
HEPS celebrated Book Week on Thursday 24th August where students were invited to come dressed as their favourite character or book. We were all blown away by the effort that students put into their costumes this year. A huge congratulations to all!
Students were thrilled to meet author Kelly Wilson, who spoke to them about her writing process and inspiration for her books. They enjoyed listening to her book ‘Hudson Houdini Escapist Extraordinaire’ and joined Kelly in singing a rap song about her book ‘Lady Lulu’.
Students spent the remainder of their day, reviewing their favourite book, illustrating their costume and engaging in Readers Theatre. It was a marvellous day!
Level 2 have been exploring Narrative writing this fortnight and have been building their skills in character and setting descriptions, bold beginnings, using up-levelled word choices and a ‘story mountain’ that involves multiple problems and solutions.
To celebrate Father’s Day, students transferred these skills into the creation of a Narrative Comic, using their Dad as the hero in the story. We hope that all our Level 2 Dads loved their Father’s Day comics and were thoroughly spoiled for Father’s Day!
Level 2 have been exploring data collection this fortnight. They have enjoyed formulating and asking their own questions, gathering data using tallies and tables have displayed their data using a range of appropriate graphs. Students have explored daily temperatures using line graphs, and have explored how to create bar, column, dot plot, strip and pie graphs, either by drawing or on Excel.
Students have also begun their investigation into fractions this week and have enjoyed creating their own fractions wall and have explored a range of fractions using Lego.