Level 1
Level 1
I can’t believe that we are almost at the end of Term 3. We have been super busy with our learning and practising for our upcoming school production.
Throughout the past two weeks, students have been learning about fractions. We have been exploring this through hands on materials such as play dough to create halves, quarters and eighths as well as creating paper pizza to cut into fractions.
We have also been focusing on the word ‘estimation’ throughout our numeracy lessons. We have been working through a variety of ‘Estis’ where students are given a picture of an amount, make an estimation then as the clues are given, look at how their estimation might change or stay the same. It has been amazing to see how the students have improved their estimations skills by becoming more accurate with their guesses.
In reading we have been focusing on author’s purpose where students are understanding the reason why authors have written a book. We say that knowing the author's purpose is as easy as P.I.E. P=persuade, E=entertain, I=inform. Students have been identifying the author’s purpose of a variety of books and explaining their reasoning.
We are also focusing on reader’s theatre this week where students are reenacting the story of ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’. It has been great to see students becoming more confident when reading aloud and presenting to the class.
Jolly Phonics
Our focus for our Jolly Phonics sounds this week was /ou/ for house and /ow/ for owl. We always start off with a whole class brainstorm where we think of as many words that have our focus sound as we can. Over the past two weeks, students brainstormed their words inside a house and an owl. Students can then create their spelling words using sensory play items such as salt and rainbow rice trays, playdough, letter stamps, magnetic letters and stencils.
In writing students have been working on narrative writing. We have had a focus on character traits through the lense of the characters from Inside Out. Each class brainstormed the outside traits (what a character looks like) and the inside traits (how a character acts or behaves). Students then chose one of these characters to be the main character in their stories.
Tuesday 12th September – Level 1 Puppet Show Incursion
2:30 pm Wednesday 13th September – Level 1 Inquiry Puppet Showcase