Looking Ahead 



We are now using the Calendar Module on Compass to help inform you of upcoming events and activities happening at HEPS.  This includes student camps, excursions/incursions, curriculum days, parent information sessions, school council meetings to name a few.


FridaySept 8thAssembly Student Lead 2.45pm - 3.20pm Red Group
SundaySept 10thWorking Bee 9:00am to 12pm
Monday Sept 11th

Assembly 9.00am HEPS Aim High Principals award presentation. 

Foundation Billy Carts Incursion

TuesdaySept 12thLevel 1 Puppet Incursion
WednesdaySept 13thSchool Council
Thursday Sept 14th

R U OK? Day - Wear Yellow

9.00-11.00am Whole School Production Rehearsal

VHAP 11.35 - 12.30pm

FridaySept 15th

Footy Special Lunch and Dress Up

End of Term Assembly 2.10pm

End of Term 3 Dismissal 2.30pm

TERM 4  
MondayOctober 2nd

First Day Term 4

Assembly 9.00am

School Nurse visits for Foundation

TuesdayOctober 3rdSchool Nurse visits for Foundation
WednesdayOctober 4th

9.30am - 11.00am Level 5 & 6 Production Rehearsal

School Nurse Visits Foundation

Thursday October 5thWorld Teachers Day
FridayOctober 6thAssembly Student Lead 2.45pm - 3.20pm
WednesdayOctober 11thWhole School Production Rehearsal 11.30 - 1.00pm
Mon-FriOct 23rd - Oct 27thFoundation to Level 5 Swimming program


Term 3: 10th July - 15th September (2:30pm finish)

Term 4: 2nd October - 20th December (1:30pm finish)


Public Holidays

Term 4: Melbourne Cup- Tuesday 7th November


Curriculum Days

Monday 6th November 

October 16th & 17th     Production 
2023 CAMPS  
Wed - Friday3rd - 5th MayLevel 4 Camp
Wed - Friday30th August -  1st SeptemberLevel 3 Camp
Wed - Friday8th - 10th NovemberLevel 5 Camp
Wed - Friday15th - 17th NovemberLevel 6 Camp