
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 

Group 1     Term 3 Week 6



Name and valueComment
FKBIshika TeamworkIshika is a delight to have in our classroom. She is always willing to help with jobs around the classroom. I love that Ishika includes others in games she plays in the yard. Keep it up superstar.
FSBTess  teamworkTess is always willing to help out others and shows amazing teamwork during Literacy groups. She also always puts in 100% effort into all of her learning tasks and is a great role model to others. Keep up the great work Tess!
1KRMia  GrowthMia you continually strive to do your best and you always have a growth mindset! I love the way you always take on a challenge and persevere in your learning. Keep up the amazing effort Mia!

Sienna has shown great growth and resilience in her writing. Sienna has been able to create some amazing problems with the use of adjectives and compound words. She has read her work out to her classmate with confidence and ease. 

Well done Sienna, keep up the good work. 

2DWDavid David has shown resilience these past 2 weeks. He has been more comfortable and has given excellent reasoning when answering questions. David has worked hard to complete tasks, and has created interesting poems. Well done David and keep up the good work. 



Viha has grown so much as a learner this term. She has shown enthusiasm, persistence and an eagerness to share her victories with her class. Viha, I am so proud of all you have achieved. Heep on shining super star!
3MWMatthew growthMatthew approaches all learning with a positive attitude and a curious mind. He asks questions, offers his ideas, listens to feedback and applies this to his work. You are growing into a super student Matthew, keep aiming high at school!
3MWTeresa resilienceTeresa has been resilient everyday at HEPS by working through the challenges of being in a different country, attending a new school, speaking a second language, meeting and making new friends, trying to understand all learning activities and joining in with every new opportunity. It has been an absolute pleasure to have you with us in 3MW 🙂



Avi has a love of learning and enthusiastically participates in all of our classroom discussions and activities. He is particularly good at being a strong team member, showing that he can lead the group, listen to others and let others lead. You are a great addition to our class and HEPS, Avi!



Madison’s mature nature sets a fine example for all. Her ability to laugh in the face of challenges and not take herself too seriously allows Madison to approach learning tasks with confidence and resilience.
4TOHunter RespectHunter is constantly showing respect in the classroom by listening to instructions carefully, helping his peers and being kind to others. Hunter approaches each day ready to learn and always responds appropriately, using his manners. Fabulous work, Hunter!



Sarah has been the most caring student. She has gone above and beyond to support and make our new class member feel welcome and comfortable. I am so proud of you Sarah. You are amazing! 



Louis has shown growth when challenged in our maths learning about fractions and decimals. He shares his understanding and strategies with others and challenges others with their thinking. Keep up the great work Louis!
6JMRaghav  (Respect)Raghav is the most respectful student and this is reflected in the way he interacts with his peers and teachers. He is always offering to help pack up, set up and clean up, especially when he may not be involved. He respectfully waits his turn, listens attentively to others and contributes when asked - all reflective of his delightful manners and thoughtfulness. The way he applies himself to his learning is also outstanding, and Raghav should be very proud of his efforts and attitude. 
6RHIndi  6RH GrowthIndi has demonstrated responsibility for her learning and has set Maths goals for herself which she has worked very hard on. She asks clarifying questions and always gives tasks her best shot, even when they are tricky. Keep showing that amazing attitude Indi! 
Visual Art

Indi  (6RH)


Indi is a valued class mate and is always willing to lend a hand or assist others  during Art lessons. She has shown initiative and teamwork while creating our production props this term. Keep up the amazing work, Indi! 
Performing Arts 

Mabel  (6RH)


Mabel shows amazing teamwork both in class and out production rehearsals. She shows great teamwork by always coming prepared and ready to rehearse. Mabel is helping the Foundation students with their dances and her kindness and patience with the younger students is amazing to see. Keep up the great work, Mabel! 


Term 3 Assembly roster

All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies. 

This term we have some sneak peaks to show regarding our whole school production. 

Monday morning at 9am - whole school 

Friday afternoon 2.45 in the gym. Group 1 and 2 alternate. 

Term 3 HEPS Monday assemblies 9am (whole school – front of school)

Content - National anthem, school oath, acknowledgment of country, focus for the week, lunch club reports, sport and community recognition, birthday celebrations 

9am Aim High Assembly – Whole school 

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Foundation) 


2.15-2.30pm - Whole school assembly to finish Term 3

HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30pm (gym)

Group 16JM, 6JL, 6RH, FKB, FSB, 1RK, 1KR 2DW, 2MY, 3MW, 3GE, 4BA, 4TO, 5YS, 5KV 
Group 26JM, 6JL, 6RH, FTD, FBB, 1EJ, 1CR, 2LL, 2AS, 3TM, 4LS, 4JE, 5KL, 5AP 

4LS and 4JE

Red House Assembly 2.45 in the gym


Last day of Term 3 

Whole school assembly 2.15-2.30pm – front of school

Break for holidays.