Level 4

Level 4

Level 4 – Term 3 Recap


Wow! What a huge term we have had.

The end of the term allows us time to reflect on the learning and growth of our students. We have certainly covered off on a lot!

Writing- poetry, personal narratives and the 6+1 writing traits,

Numeracy- Multiplication, factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers, angles, protractors and compasses, fractions and decimals.

Reading- Analysing, prediction, summarising, visualising, compare and contrast.

Inquiry- Early explorers and forces.

Alongside our amazing classroom learning opportunities, The Level 4 students have participated in some wonderful activities outside of the classroom throughout the term. These include Hoop time, Down ball, Life Ed, a  Japanese incursion, three Connect sessions- including a Whole School Movie reward afternoon, 3-6 Athletics Day, Grandparents Day, Literacy Day and Book Dress up, as well as the excitement of spending up big at the Father’s Day stall and enjoying the Father’s Day community breakfast. 

We look forward to sharing our learning with our parents and loved ones during our 3 Way conferences this week and participating in a special Andy Griffiths online session through the State Library next Tuesday, as well as RUOK? (Thursday) and Footy Day (Friday) next week. Bring on the holidays!

Looking forward, we are working hard on our Production numbers, we are excited about the Swimming Program, an Inquiry incursion and all the joy and excitement of all that comes at the end of each school year.

Thank you to our parents and carers for the support you give the students and staff. 

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful break and look forward to catching up in the new term.


Level 4 Teachers– Tahlia, Lisa, John and Belinda