From the Office

Free Eye Tests Term 4
Clayton North Primary is pleased to announce that the Student Eyecare Program will be running at the school in Term 4. An optometrist will be onsite during school hours to provide students with a free comprehensive eye examination that is covered through Medicare Australia. 1 in 6 students have eye conditions that go undetected. This is due to the high level of visual demand on their eyes from books, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Every student will receive a full report about their eye health and a prescription will be provided if glasses are required. The prescription can be taken to any optical store to get the glasses made. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity. More information coming next term.
Chess at Clayton North Primary School
Chess Club is coming to Clayton North. There will be a free incursion on Monday 11th September at lunchtime - no need to book. Children are encouraged to join in. If you would then like your child to have coaching in Term 4 at lunchtime on Tuesdays (from 10th October to 12th December), please see the flyer for how to book and pay.
From August 31st, all children are expected to wear hats during recess and lunchtime. Hats can be purchased from PSW Glen Waverley. Following is some general information from the Cancer Council Victoria.
Although this spring is still a bit up and down with some hints of nice weather to come, the UV levels are on the rise with sun protection times already being forecast.
Sun protection is recommended whenever UV levels are three or higher. Average UV levels in Victoria are three or higher from mid-August so it’s time to dust off the sun protection gear and not wait until term four.