Principal's News

Dear Clayton North Primary School Community,
As we approach the end of Term 3, I would like to thank all families for your support in getting your children to school on time, and attending the weekly assemblies where you can; it was especially pleasing to welcome so many of you to our Book Week celebration! The students were so excited to dress up and certainly enjoyed the parades at the assembly.
Teachers organised a number of appropriate activities for Book Week, including different teachers reading to students while they ate their lunch in the classrooms. I took this opportunity to read to the Year 5/6 students, and I chose to read a few pages from the book, The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku. Eddie survived inconceivable horrors during the Holocaust, and afterward made it his mission to change the world for the better. It is a powerful and heartbreaking memoir of how happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. The students' response to the little that I was able to read to them, was more than I expected - a number of students expressed their interest to borrow and read the book, which is now circulating amongst the Year 5/6 cohort.
The F-2 library set-up in the Discovery Centre is progressing well. We have two sets of volunteers, who are doing a fabulous job in sorting the several boxes of books into categories and cataloging them. We are excitedly looking forward to the outcome of this project!
Parent Opinion Survey
Each year, the school conducts an opinion survey with the school community. Thank you to families who have already completed this survey.
All parents/carers are invited to participate in this very important survey. Your feedback is critical in identifying and shaping the direction that Clayton North PS takes in the future. Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to provide your input, it is greatly appreciated.
To complete the survey, simply:
1. Click on the link below, or copy and paste the text into your browser. This link will take you directly to the survey.
2. Select the School and Campus name below. School Name: Clayton North Primary School Campus Name: Clayton North Primary School
3. Enter the School PIN: 751075
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program for Yr 5/6 2024
Parent feedback was requested regarding the BYOD program for next year's 5/6 students. Thank you to families who completed the online survey, as well as to parents who came along to discuss this matter with me in person, over the last two days.
Why this program?
We recognise the need to prepare students for a rapidly changing world and we value the rich learning experiences that integrated learning with technology brings.
We need to equip our students with a skill set that they will require for their future endeavours.
Student familiarity with technology will support a smooth transition to secondary school, where it is expected that students bring their devices to school every day, and be able to use them effectively.
Below is a video on 21st Century Learning and an article by Miriam Clifford - 10 reasons why BYOD is a good idea:
Parents of current Year 4 and Year 5 students, please feel free to come and see me or contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have relating to this matter.
School Uniform
As we head into Term 4, I would like your support with the Clayton North Uniform Policy, which is attached below for your reference. Uniform items can be purchased from PSW, our uniform provider, located on Springvale Road in Glen Waverley.
To generate school pride and improve community perception of CNPS, it is important that all students attend in proper school uniform.
If there is a reason why your child cannot wear the appropriate uniform, please make a time to discuss this with me next week. Thank you, in advance, for your continued support.
I take this opportunity to wish all staff, students and families, a safe and enjoyable holiday break!
Sue Simadri