Community Announcements

The City of Whittlesea will be hosting additional immunisation sessions over the September school holidays for the Human Papilloma Virus (Year 7). We will also be offering Boostrix (Year 7) and Meningococcal ACWY (Year 10) vaccines.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common, contagious virus that can cause cancers and diseases in all genders. The HPV vaccination is a safe and reliable way to protect young people from a range of HPV related cancers and diseases. Maintaining high uptake of HPV vaccination will also help eliminate cervical cancer in Victoria by 2030.
These additional immunisation sessions aim to help young people catch-up on the HPV (and other school based) immunisation they may have missed during COVID-19 lockdowns.
Bookings can be made for our public immunisation sessions, or you can attend any of the following walk-in sessions:
- Monday 18 September, 12.30 – 2.30pm at Mernda Community Activity Centre, 70 Mernda Village Dr, Mernda
- Wednesday 20 September, 5 – 7pm at Kirrip Community Activity Centre, 135 De Rossi Blvd, Wollert
- Friday 22 September, 10am – 12pm at Thomastown Library, 52 Main St, Thomastown
- Tuesday 26 September, 11am – 1pm at Brookwood Community Activity Centre, 25 Hazel Glen Dr, Doreen
- Wednesday 27 September, 12.30 - 2.30pm at Mill Park Baptist Church, 11 Morang Dr, Mill Park
For any queries regarding your child's immunisation status or the vaccination process, please reach out to City of Whittlesea’s Immunisation team on 9217 2170 and follow the prompts.