Gardening Club

This term the gardening club have been busy bees.
We began the term with Planet Arc plant a tree day. All Year 7 students took part in planting a seed to contribute to the growth of vegetation in the school.
This year we planted different types of flower seeds into recycled plastic bottles and containers and all seeds flourished successfully.
Moving on to our second project was a visit from the Epping Rd Upgrade and Bee Hotel Team.
Our students learnt about different bee species and of the importance that they have on the environment. In teams of 5, the students were taught how to make a permanent bee home, each using different materials for the bee specie they designed the hotel for.
The hotels will provide shelter for 7 types of Australian Bees that are part of the Wollert community. The Epping Rd Upgrade Team installed 3 large, raised garden beds which will provide extra space for all year planting.
Our Garden Club has done an amazing job this term in keeping the plants watered, pruned and healthy. We have successfully propagated a few of our own vegetables and sampled a taste of the produce.
A delightful dish of potatoes with spring onion and parsley that we grew, picked, and cooked and of course ate. It was YUM!
We have also had the students from the Hands-On Learning (HOL) Program at Craigieburn Secondary College, busy making raised wooden planter boxes on wheels.
These will accommodate for the flowers that we provide for our bee community.
The Wollert Garden Club and Craigieburn HOL students got together to bring the two projects into one.
We enjoyed an afternoon of placing soil and plants into the plant boxes and a lovely BBQ lunch afterwards.
A wonderfully productive term for the avid gardeners of Wollert Secondary College.
We are looking forward to welcoming the wonderful Spring weather.
Ms Fletcher
Learning Support