Principal's Reflection

Congratulations to the staff and students of Wollert Secondary College as we celebrate another productive term of learning.
Term 3 has seen students engage in a wide variety of activities including some wonderful excursions and incursions.
I have thoroughly enjoyed joining the students on a Friday at lunch for a competitive game or two of down ball and am thankful for the patience of the students as I have found my groove. Spending time in the yard at lunch has given me the opportunity to observe our students interacting with one another in a social setting and it truly is delightful.
From the daily soccer tournaments, to down ball, to the avid readers, the gamers and the students who have found creative ways to utilise balloons at lunch, the vibe in the air during break times is one of inclusivity, acceptance and warmth.
I am proud of the way in which our students uphold our values, Be Kind, Be Brave, Be True and Be Safe each and everyday.
We are pleased to announce that our 2024 recruitment campaign is well underway and we are excited to welcome a number of new staff in 2024:
- Gareth Anderson
- Diana Rivera
- Chloe Rogers
- Rachel Ieraci-Radford
- Adriana Faccin
- Marc Westgarth
- Martika Milenkovic
Learning Support
- Dion Rossini
- Shireen Buya
We are thrilled to see our team grow in 2024 and are very much looking forward to officially welcoming the newest members of our Wollert Secondary College community.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students for wearing their uniform well and with pride. It has been great to see students adhering to the uniform requirements.
As we welcome the warmer weather, students are welcome to wear the cooler options available in both the academic and active uniform.
Just a reminder to students that socks are to be plain and white, runners are to be a proper sports trainers, neutral in colour and if students are wearing the academic uniform, shoes are to be black, leather school shoes.
Uniforms can be purchased in store and online through PSW, our uniform supplier.
I remind students that when they are commuting to and from school, wearing our uniform, you are representing our College. It is important that students travelling to and from school, do so in a respectful manner, whilst out in the community.
Just a reminder to students and families that school commences at 8:50.
Students should be preparing for learning whilst the morning music plays between 8:45 and 8:50.
Parents/Carers will receive text messages if their children are late in attending class.
The College will have a strong focus on attendance in Term 4 reminding our students that attendance is incredibly important and everyday of learning counts.
Term 4
As we prepare for a busy Term 4, I would like to take this opportunity to remind our students to use the upcoming holidays as a way to rest and recharge and prepare for the term ahead. Term 4 will see our students attending Year 7 Camp and preparing to transition to Year 8. Just a reminder that camp payments are due early Term 4.
We looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on the 2nd October.
Have a wonderful break and be sure to stay safe.
Melissa Lozanovski
College Principal