Gemma's Message

Principal - St Gabriel's Primary School

Dear family and friends, 

It is lovely to be back after a term's leave. I enjoyed travelling Italy with my Dad and siblings - it was a very special time as a family.  

A VERY special and Big thank you to our wonderful staff for holding the fort in such a purposeful way. A big thank you to Laura Merrick and Jarryd Bradford for stepping into an Acting Principal role in Term 3. Your commitment and dedication has been seen, felt and heard. Thank you. 

A huge congratulations to our Wakakirri team - what an amazing achievement. Thank you to the team who led this, thank you Haley,  her Brother (Ben) and her Mum (Noeline) for all of our amazing costumes. 

A busy term is now ahead of us. We are looking forward to celebrating Diversity day, Athletics Day, Advent and Christmas, Graduation and many more. Exciting times. 


Staffing 2024 

As the term progresses we know more about staffing. However at this stage we are not having many changes at all.  We do have a few changes in employment, one due to our increasing numbers. We have employed Joanna and we are currently in interviews for our second staff member. Our employment is rigorous and we take time to find the best fit for our wonderful school. 


A few changes we know of already:

Jackie G and Sammy will be leaving at the end of 2023. Jarryd will be moving from DP to a 3-6 Learning and Teaching coach, he will be spreading his wings as a consultant also. After 27 years in Catholic Education Enza will be retiring after some well deserved Long Service Leave. 

Chevon Adamidis will join our team as DP and Learning and Teaching Leader. As mentioned in earlier communication Shelley has joined our team as Wellbeing Leader and will offer wellbeing support through small group and 1:1 sessions. 

Seeking feedback

To align with the new EBA and face to face time for teachers we are seeking your thoughts around the following option for school start and finish time. 

  1. Monday - Friday 8.45am  - 3pm  (Gates open 8.30 am) 

Please send any thoughts around this to Gemma by 20th October: 


UNIFORM update

We have had some issues with the fabric / material and durability of uniforms items. Ie: light blue polo - at this stage we are selling / stocking dark blue polo for day wear and/or PE until we look at another option. 


Thank you for your continued support of our wonderful school community. It feels great to be back.
