Parents and Friends News

Dear families,


Hope all the kids have settled into Term 4 well.  It is nice to have some nice weather this week.


Please read updates below for information about plans for World Teachers Day, Parents Social Night and End of Year Celebration.


If you have any queries or suggestions please reach out to the P&F at


Jacklyn Lamb - Secretary


Calendar of events - Term 4

Term 4

  • World Teachers Day - Friday, 27th October 2023
  • Parents Social Night - Barefoot Bowls - Friday, 24th November 2023 [Pending enough interest]
  • End of Year Celebration - Thursday, 30th November
  • Christmas Colouring Competition - December 2023


World Teachers Day - Friday, 27th October


At St Brendan’s we are lucky to have wonderful teachers and support staff supporting our children in their learning and development. 


The P&F want to help our school community celebrate our terrific teachers on World Teachers Day, Friday 27th October.


A flyer will be sent out to students next week encouraging them to fill in a thank you card to thank their teacher or another teacher they love to learn from!



Expression of Interest

Parents Social Night Barefoot Bowls 

Friday, 24th November


The Parents and Friends Committee are planning a Parents Social Night of Barefoot Bowls on Friday, 24th November from 6.00pm - 9.00pm.


A minimum number of attendees is required for this event to go ahead.


Please follow the link below to indicate your interest in attending this event.






Please complete the form by 5pm Friday, 13th November 2023.


We will advise if this event will go ahead based on how much interest there is.



End of Year Celebration

Thursday, 30th November


Save the date for our End of Year Celebration for the school community to gather from 5.30pm - 7.30pm in the courtyard at school.


Bring your own picnic tea, along with picnic rug/chairs.  More details to come soon.


Review of events and fundraisers


Family Social Gathering - Friday, 6th October 

It was great to hear of around 10 families who met up at Victoria Park Lake for a relaxed social gathering last week.


It was a shame about the wind, but a nice way to end the first week of Term 4 and burn some of the kids energy after wet weather during the week.


The Athletes Foot School Rewards Program

We have received $500.00 as part of the school’s participation in The Athletes Foot School Rewards Program. 


Thanks to those who shopped at The Athletes Foot during January to March this year and helped to earn rewards for our school.


We look forward to hearing how the school leadership plans to spend these funds.



Ongoing Fundraisers


IGA Community Rewards

We have been informed by Fairley’s IGA that Community Rewards program as we know it will cease on 31st October 2023.


As of 1st November 2023, any customer that was originally donating points to a

community group will be automatically shifted back to collecting personal rewards on their rewards tag. 


Thank you to those who have supported the school through the IGA Community Rewards Program in the past.

My Name Label


Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F

President:   Vacant

Secretary:   Jacklyn Lamb

Committee Members:  Katie Mills, Pat Goyne, Keira Peatling




P&F Meetings

A date for the next meeting in Term 4 will be set soon.


We would also like to start planning for 2024 - let us know if you have any ideas.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions/ suggestions: